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Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 2:33 am
by clif
careful or she'll show you how it's done
Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 3:10 am
by BenjiB
clif wrote:careful or she'll show you how it's done
I feel like thats how i lost my last girlfriend..
Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 3:18 am
by clif
let's hope she does better next time
Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 3:23 am
by Redpoint
clif wrote:what? i get no love?
Sorry I thought you were just jumping on the bandwagon and that you were patronizing me.
I love you too man, but just in a brotherly, well friends, or um peers sort of way.
Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 4:00 am
by clif
sorry? you're sorry?
patronizing bandwagons up your ass.
Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 4:20 am
by Redpoint
I guess I said I'm sorry because I didn't mean to leave you hanging if you actually were showing me some love. I'm obviously in a much better mood now. I blew off all my steam climbing, and I was like a freight train tonight sending all 3 of my projects and plenty of other new problems that they put up.
Maybe Anti is right, negativity can push you even harder than what you might have expected, but I still prefer positivity. There is nothing like having people cheer you on. I always admired how some climbers can cheer you on not because they are your friend, but because they love climbing so much that just watching someone else climb to their limit gets them excited, even if the person they are watching is only doing a V3 when they are climbing V10. Most of the climbers I know are exceptional people, and I stay clear of the douche bags. I personally don't know very many douche bag climbers who go to either gyms in my area. I have noticed that most climbers love climbing so much, that just being in the gym puts them in a good mood, and so they are always fun to climb with.
Maybe Anti just approaches people with negativity and often gets a negative response from people, and that is why he thinks most gym climbers are fucktards. Personally I think there is a lot more cool climbers than asshole climbers in the gym, if only I could say the same for this site. lol just teasing you guys.
OR MAYBE what Anti means by fucktards, is people who don't know shit about real climbing. I personally have taken 5 of those fucktard gym climbers and turned them in to confident Red River Gorge leaders and cleaners, and so they aren't a lost cause or anything. Maybe I do it because I like teaching, or maybe I do it so that there will be less fucktards in my gym, or maybe it's because I like climbing with new people, or that I need more climbing partners just because I go climbing in the Red so much, but most likely it's because I can't find anyone at Miguels who actually climbs the same grade as me. I'm happy with my 5.10's though, I mean I have only been sport climbing for a year, and hopefully by next year it will be 11's, and then one day even 12's. Right now my problem isn't with the cruxes though, it's the endurance. I run laps, downclimb routes after climbing them and then climb them again, and I do 30 minute traverses, but once I get to the Red I just keep wondering where all those jug hauls are at the Red. I have heard they are at the playgound, but the 11B I top roped there was no jug haul, at least the long cruxes sure as hell weren't. If anything the gym is the ultimate stash of jug hauls, except for the 11's, but the 11's at my gym are still kicking my butt as far as me having the endurance to send them is concerned, well at least I have sent a few of them.
Well that's enough typing for tonight I guess.
Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 4:27 am
by DriskellHR
redpoint..... Thanks for being a douch, we needed the entertainment
Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 5:25 am
by Jay
For the record-
It's = a contraction for it is or it has.
Its = a possessive pronoun meaning of it or belonging to it.
Please don't fuck this up when you're (you are) writing your 527 page diatribe on the correct method for a clipping a quickdraw.
Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 5:27 am
by Redpoint
DriskellHR wrote:redpoint..... Thanks for being a douch, we needed the entertainment
Well I'm glad you and your bandwagon was able to get a rise out of me for your entertainment, or else I might have been 3 projects short tonight. See how I found a positive from all that negativity.
Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 5:41 am
by Jay
Redpoint wrote:
Thanks for your help, I have been out of school for so long I actually forgot that its ok to write the word its without the '
No, it's like this:
Thanks for your help, I have been out of school for so long I actually forgot that
it's ok to write the word its without the '