Hmmm... the incumbent republican senator from Minnesota is canceling on an upcoming McCain rally in Minnesota... Not a good sign for McCain.
But more importantly, people have hopefully heard that the crowds at McCain/Palin rallies have been shouting "Terrorist!", "Traitor!" (huh?) and various death threats when they mention Obama's name (which is pretty often, considering they have nothing to say on the economy, healthcare, education, etc.)
So, Obama says this:
It's easy to rile up a crowd, Nothing's easier than riling up a crowd by stoking anger and division. But that's not what we need right now in the United States.
McCain spokesperson Brian Rogers responds:
Barack Obama’s attacks on Americans who support John McCain reveal far more about him than they do about John McCain. It is clear that Barack Obama just doesn’t understand regular people and the issues they care about.
Obama could quite accurately point out that these people are stupid, dangerous thugs. Instead, he deflects the really scary comments, and the McCain campaign claims that this is some sort of "attack."
All the stuff about how Obama knows Dr. Ayers is energizing their base, but is turning off the middle voters that they need to have a chance. Just how internally fucked is McCain's campaign?
Pretty fucked actually - it turns out that McCain was against the bailout before he was for it! Earlier today, McCain's campaign manager Rick Davis (lobbyist for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and DHL, which is killing 1,000 Ohio jobs) said:
in the middle of the greatest disaster in our financial system that we’d had in our lifetime, that the Democrats in the United States Senate would actually link payments to ACORN in the bailout package that they promoted -- prior to Sen. McCain coming to town and actually blowing that package up. So we can actually say that in addition to saving taxpayers millions of dollars, and we’re very happy that no more taxpayer dollars were added to the pile of money...
Yep - McCain blew off Letterman in order to go to DC and
fuck up the negotiations for the bailout bill and delay it for weeks. Which would be fine, if he was taking a stand against the Paulson plan. But two weeks ago, McCain's main spokesman, Douglas Holtz-Eakin said:
This bill failed because Barack Obama and the Democrats put politics ahead of country...
So two weeks ago, McCain was working hard to get the bill passed and Obama was obstructing it, now, they're claiming McCain was killing the bill.
I shouldn't be surprised, but here are a good 10 minutes of McCain supporters looking someone in the eye and knowingly telling lie after lie:
That is, when they aren't dodging questions they know make them look like the fools they are.
They're so wrong and they clearly know it, but they're full of pride in their dishonest stupidity. Someone please explain why I shouldn't conclude that these folks are serious assholes.