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Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 3:51 pm
by charlie
Michael Bloomberg wrote:.........We do not have to settle for the same old politics. We do not have to accept the tired debate between the left and right, between Democrats and Republicans, between Congress and the White House. We can and we must declare a ceasefire -- and move America forward.

While a ceasefire is essential, it must be followed by change. Real change -- not the word, but the deed. Not slogans, but a fundamentally different way of behaving -- one built on cooperation and collaboration. . . . By thinking outside the box, and bringing creative ideas to the table, we can increase the overall benefits that both sides can achieve, and, more importantly, what America can achieve.........

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 4:07 pm
by Alan Evil
gunslnga wrote:Conspiracy, no, just that Clinton had several oppurtunities to eliminate Mr. Bin Laden and he refrained, at'least twice, we all know about. Who was assleep at the wheel??? Bush inherited the Clinton mess not 6 months in office, what is it your always saying about hind sight, seems the left likes to use it a lot since GW took office. I don't need to explain how easy it is to manipulate the facts to the Master.......
At least Clinton was not only aware of Bin Laden but actively tracking him. You say now he "had opportunities" to kill Bin Laden but if he had killed several members of the Saudi royal family in the process can you imagine the reaction? Especially from people that hold hands with Saudi Princes?

Clinton did not leave a mess for Bush when it comes to Al Quaeda. He not only left Bush an active mission to hunt down and eliminate Bin Laden, he prepared an extensive briefing about it and its importance which Bush IGNORED.

Clinton got burned by Bin Laden and he was after him for it. Not only was there the S.S.Cole, there were the embassy bombings in Africa. The problem is, Bush does not see himself as one in a line of Presidents, he sees himself as above the past. That's why we're in this fucked up war in Iraq, why our budget deficit is the greatest in history, why Bin Laden is still alive and well, why other countries feel no reason to observe treaties they have signed with us, and why worldwide opinion of us is lower than it has ever been.

The very idea that Bush was playing any kind of active roll in doing anything but enriching his friends prior to 9/11 is ludicrous.