An Inconvenient Utility Bill

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Post by dmw »

no I am suggesting that the think tank that started the neocon whinage - wait, did you even read it?
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Post by dmw »

ok, then, here it is: ... cle_id=367
the Pres, Drew Johnson, worked for AEI, so put the puzzle together and you'll understand why I am saying it is an attack
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Post by Day »

Of course it's an attack. I linked to that in the post that started this thread. I believe we've come full circle.
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Post by pigsteak »

"It would be nice if he could practice what he preaches, yet that's probably not likely."

rhunt, WHY can't he practice what he preaches? why can't he have an average home with average utility bills? ever heard of Warren Buffet, second richest man in the world? He lives in the same modest 2,000 sq foot house he bought in 1957 in nebraska.

The only thing I find incredibly hilarious about this is the wacky , out of the way justifications you folks are using to defend this behavior.

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Post by pigsteak »

of course it is an attack. it's politics. duh. :wink:
Positive vibes brah...positive vibes.
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Post by captain static »

I had the good fortune of hearing Dennis Weaver speak in Palm Springs, CA where I was working on a biotechnology project that used geothermal and solar energy. For you younguns, Dennis Weaver was an actor who played Chester on Gunsmoke and went on to have his own TV show, McCloud. As opposed to the disingenuous Gore, Weaver walked the and lived in an environmentally friendly home called an "Earthship" that is up for sale since Mr. Weavers passing: When ya movin' in Al?
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Post by dmw »

Day, I think you may still be missing something....
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Post by climbboy »

I will give y'all a bit of credit to say that Gore doesn't practice what he preaches. He could do better on that account. Anyone that lives in a 20,000 square foot house could .. .

I guess my response would be that his vision is a bit more practical than everyone moving into an Earthship (which by the way are really cool . . . which by the way are kind of dependent on their geography i.e. New Mexico land of lots o sunshine) .

That is, he wants us to resolve this issue through American ingenuity and entrepreneurship. He is still a good capitalist despite what the neo-cons want say about him. So, the point being we don't have to drastically give up our lifestyle, just find more efficient means to support it.

This argument has its flaws, and I don't totally believe its doable, but I think it is important to make the distinction.

I guess I wonder how many of the folks on this thread have actually seen an inconvenient truth? That is, do know what he actually says (other than the fact that he is the "global warming guy" ) before we crucify him?

I will admit that I haven't seen it. Others?
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Post by gunslnga »

I don't think anyone is really arguing whether or not we need or don't need to cut down on carbon emissions. I personaly feel we should all be more environmentaly sound. However, all politicians present or former, are going to be scrutinized for what they say and do, Gore is no different. He is caught red handed, whether it's by right wing radicals, or Green peace, or Tree huggers of America, he's caught.
Just like all the other idiots in the limelight, he is now spinning his way out of it, it's the American way. I was told, once upon a time, that being an American meant standing on your principles, owning your mistakes, and over all, saying what you mean and meaning what you say. What happened?????
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Post by rhunt »

ya know, I have not seen inconvenient truth...yet. I have only heard what other people and the media are saying about Gore and the movie. What I have NOT heard is that Gore is saying, "You all are bad people and you need to live like I do". Meaning, I don't think Gore is claiming to be perfect and expecting people to live up to a standard that he lives up to. If he has indeed said that, please show me and I will edit this post and change my position.

Pig- I have heard about a wealthy guy named Warren Buffet yet never learned about how he lives, I made a safe assumuption that he lives like MOST other wealthy people. I guess I was wrong in that assumption. So Gore can indeed practice what he is preaching by watching the great example of Warren Buffet. I have no interest in defending Gore's behavior, I don't expect him to be perfect. Again, I am just glad he's helped to bring global warming out of the closet.

Now piggy you can hit that quote button, quote what I said about not expecting Gore to be perfect and then tell me that I shouldn't expect Bush and his admin to be perfect. Go ahead and give that a try.

I guess the moral of this thread is that if Gore doesn't start practicing what he preaches then he should shut up and go away so we can all just forget all about this whole global warming thing...I mean shit isn't American Idol on tonight, I love the b-boxer dude! :roll: :D
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