Mia is right, its a feakin' war zone. I've been out since 7 Sunday morning covering this mess, crazzy stuff. I pulled out of my driveway to limbs falling, and have been dodging ice and limbs ever since. Compared to other events I've had the fortune, or unfortune, of covering this one is very different. As opposed to a tornado, explosion, or fire this thing is wide spread effecting pretty much everyone in and around central KY. Lexington is under ice and as of Monday, Clay City was under water. Its going to get worse flooding wise for eastern KY this weekend. With more rain in the forcast things will be a mess in places in and around the KY River (Beatyville). Now don't worry about felled trees in the Gorge, most of the ice is in Central KY. The line of ice pretty much stops a couple of miles down the Mt. Pkwy. There was some ice on the ridges south or Stanton, but that area mostly got rain.
Pray for a thaw.
Pray for a thaw.
I see they are still lopping off mountains in Eastern Kentucky. Electricity isn't cheap.
In the "I'm so special" category - A few weeks ago my girlfriend got off the commuter train near her house and was handed a flyer by a gas company. In the next suburb north a water main broke (which didn't affect her directly). But it's spraying water worked it's way into the gas man next to it. The flyer said that they expected to restore gas service that evening and a gas company representateve would come by to relight any pilot lights. Late that evening nothing was happening other than being really cold in her apartment, so she came over to my place. The next day, the news reported that about 1000 households were without gas, but that it should be restored that day. Late that evening - no gas. Next day, news report - 500 without gas. Next day 200. Next day 120. She's soooo special! They finally replaced some valves and pipes and turned on her gas after the better part of a week.
Still, my computer works off of electricity, so I'd rather have no gas than no electricity!
Still, my computer works off of electricity, so I'd rather have no gas than no electricity!
Bacon is meat candy.