Hell yeah, I'm sure he could. No doubt in my mind. I just think Caldwell is the better rounded climber.SCIN wrote:Caldwell is an excellent technical and crack climber but when it comes to raw power he can't touch Sharma or Graham. Especially with the loss of his finger. He admits in Dosage 3 that he is weaker on overhanging stuff now.
I don't doubt that Graham could crush any of the hardest crack lines out there. Some of his sickness does climb thin seams and China Beach is pretty much a crack climb. He's a sick technical climber.
Good try though.
Don't forget that Caldwell was regularly the winner or 2nd place finisher of the Phoenix bouldering comp for years.... hes no stranger to hard, powerful problems. Then, while having "trouble" with the steeper stuff, he established his own 14d/15a that is nearly a roof (Flex Luthor).....and a contender, with a Graham route, for hardest in the country.
He doesn't climb explosively like Graham and Sharma.... but maybe because he doesn't need to.....
That said, they all have their strengths. Caldwell is the all arounder. Graham is the endless energy. Sharma is the natural.