by piggie
Bush wants to sell national land. Just say NO!
Well, you asked so I didn't.pigsteak wrote:mcrib..not following you. a private resident buys the land, and then pays property tax every year til eternity. why isn't that a long term fix?
we could privatize all schools, and the poor ones would close their doors. i can hear the libs screaming now....
I have nothing against the government owning land. Out west they own an incredible amount of some states. But the idea proposed that the government should continue buying up more and more land I find every bit as alarming as steadily selling it all off. My guess is that no specific "selling trend" exists other than that while they are buying in some places, they are selling others.
lol..hey mcrib...sorry man, i posted that to the wrong thread....
i am AGAINST this sale as much as the next guy..just stimulating thought. we need more PUBLIC lands, not less. strip malls are the bane of our world. but i realize my hypocrisy as i fill up at teh Shell station.
i am AGAINST this sale as much as the next guy..just stimulating thought. we need more PUBLIC lands, not less. strip malls are the bane of our world. but i realize my hypocrisy as i fill up at teh Shell station.
Positive vibes brah...positive vibes.
I look for something good each day. Thanks moonbeam.
I look for something good each day. Thanks moonbeam.