Well if that is what we were doing, then I wouldn't have a problem with people wasting energy. But currently very little of US electricity is generated using renewable resources. It's not an east coast/west coast thing - that's not my point at all. (Water is another story altogether.)Electricity is easly harnessed and stored to the point that it can be considered renewable as long as there is some one smart enough to harness any of the potentialy energy around us.
to me this is a very naive and even dangerous way of thinking. The US is currently preparing to send yet more of our young men to kill and to be killed in the Middle East. This is at least in part over oil. We are also seeing our wild spaces raped for more of this limited resource, yet practical alternative energy sources are not advancing. Yes we need to develop alternative energy sources, but being energy gluttons so we will use up our fossil fuels sooner is not the answer! Again, I'm not saying that using electricity and/or gasoline is inherently bad, but being conservative in the amount that we do use is common sense.Think of it this way, the sooner we run out of fossil fuels or they become outrageously priced the sooner we will hopefully be able to switch to a better energy source.
Edit: I just had a synapse fire on your comment about fossil fuels becoming outrageously priced. I agree - that's what it is going to take. Too bad it wouldn't serve our current administrations puppeteers to slap some hefty taxes on fuel to make people slow down and think about how much they are using. We pay less than most other countries for fuel - it's too easy for people to take it for granted.