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Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 2:51 pm
by Artsay
The point of this thread to me wasn't to say the folks lighting fireworks were idiots or the dogs should've been leashed...

We're all on this same planet together. Let's just learn what works and what doesn't between all groups and try to be compassionate to each other. Is that really that hard? :?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 2:52 pm
by gunslnga
Does anyone know where I can get some real M-80s??
I have some weapons grade Plutonium and a few Thermal Detonators just laying around, will those do??????

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 4:16 pm
by KD
It's no secret that dogs have different and more sensitive hearing frequencies than humans. Loud, unpredictable pops ets., do startle them unless they're trained. Even hunting dogs can be ruined by firecrackers making them gun-shy. That said, I shoot off hundreds of dollars worth of artillery fireworks every fourth of july. I don't own dogs though. Anybody ever put an artillery shell in the tube upside down? Scary stuff! :)

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 5:12 pm
by walrus
KD wrote: Loud, unpredictable pops ets., do startle them unless they're trained. :)
My dog is trained to tear off your arm if you threaten him with a gun or fireworks(he can't tell the difference). Oh, don't tell my climbing partner. He thinks my dog is gentle.

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 5:30 pm
by rdpoints
Artsay says his dogs are well behaved, yet they ran away after hearing firecrackers......hmmm
Not to say they're bad dogs, just that..... THEY RAN AWAY.

So what would happen if there were hunters near-by or a few gun happy Kentuckians?? (Which happens all the time at the Red).

Would that be different than the firecrackes (as far as the dogs go)?

Artsay didn't complain about fireworks at the crag, it was fireworks and the dogs. Which, IMHO, is kinda strange......

SO Artsay, lesson learned.....leash your dogs if they're scared of loud noises cuz I gaurONtee you'll be hearing them again.

As far as fireworks at the crag, let the debate begin.


Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 5:51 pm
by Paul3eb
rdpoints wrote:SO Artsay, lesson learned.....leash your dogs if they're scared of loud noises cuz I gaurONtee you'll be hearing them again.
i don't say this to people often, but you're an idiot.

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 5:57 pm
by charlie

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 6:02 pm
by longlegsrule
Paul3eb wrote:
rdpoints wrote:SO Artsay, lesson learned.....leash your dogs if they're scared of loud noises cuz I gaurONtee you'll be hearing them again.
i don't say this to people often, but you're an idiot.
thanks for saying what I was about to...

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 6:09 pm
by Canuck
rdpoints wrote:Artsay didn't complain about fireworks at the crag, it was fireworks and the dogs. Which, IMHO, is kinda strange......
why is that strange? (well, ignoring the fact that it's the name of the thead).
Artsay wrote:But I just wanted to let folks know that fireworks and dogs ... don't mix very well.
Artsay wrote:It was just a lesson learned for me and I wanted to pass on the info.
the point artsay was trying to make (correct me if i'm wrong) is simply that almost all dogs, unless specifically trained for it, are very afraid of loud sudden noises like gunshots or firecrackers. a lot of people are unaware of that. artsay was trying to make more people aware of it.

the point was not about fireworks at the crag or leashing dogs. we can argue both of those til we're blue in the face (and we have in the past and are now on another thread).

so, please, if you like dogs and are compassionate toward them, try to be considerate of whether there are dogs around before lighting fireworks (or shooting guns just for the hell of it or making other big noises)(regardless of whether the dogs are leashed or unleashed, or whether you're at the crag or some other public place). maybe give dog owners nearby a warning. maybe set the firecrackers off somewhere further from the dog. maybe wait for another time.

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 6:10 pm
by Artsay
rdpoints - First off, I'm a she. Secondly, you really are an idiot if you can't see the difference between "loud noises" and fireworks going off.
You're saying my dogs aren't well behaved because they ran away terrified from fireworks? If a bomb were to go off, you'd probaby run away too. That's probably what is was like to them.

As far as fireworks at the crag, I'm not about to tell people what they can or can't do out climbing. We all go to the woods for our own reasons.