I was worried about the crux, but from other routes, I improved my crimp strength (Pulling Pockets, Disappearer) and feet work. When I got back on it, I blew through it first attempt and with no problem. Maybe that will help you.
I used to have trouble sending that route due to the crux. If that is your problem, look to the right a little, there is a small "ear" shaped hold. Grab that with your right hand, step up and grab a couple of good crimps with edges above your head. Then clip the crux clip with your left hand. That way, when you traverse the worst slopey crimps, you are already clipped in and can relax. Then, just before you start on the flake, there is a good hold to shake out on. I usually spend a minute or two there slowing my breathing and de-pumping.
Good luck!
Hauling a big ego up a route adds at least a full grade.