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Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 2:01 am
by young'n climber


Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 2:20 am
by the lurkist
That kills me. Already in this thread I have read two different posts refering to the Geologic Area or some other part of the Red as a Park. Oh, if it were only so. Thanks to Rick and Bob and everyone else helping out with the Murray Property and Muir Valley we may some day see a real entity that might fit that description.
News Flash- There isn't a Park that administrates the property where we recreate. The Feds tolerate us on the Geologic Area and we secured land (for now) that was formerly off limits.

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 12:46 pm
by Sunshine
One time at Military we were climbing and we saw some people top-ropping thru the shinny new anchors on the Shine and in a very friendly way I asked dude not to do that and he asked why and I said it would wear out the anchors and he said it didn't matter because the park service would replace the anchors. I gave him the speech. In a very friendly way.

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 4:57 pm
by the lurkist
One day Johnny and Rhino and a bunch of other strong backs and weak minds were up at Road Side rehabbing the base in front of the slab routes. We were working right in front of the C-sharp B flat. I mean, we were working, sweating, getting all glisteny, grinding, well, you get the idea. This guy comes over and throws his rope down in front of us, right on top of my maddock. I said, "yo, dude, the rides are closed for the day." He looks at me incredualously and says, "You mean to tell me I came all the way down here from Ohio and I can't get on this route? You guys must be with the Natl Park. I am going to talk with your boss..."
We collectively spoke with him in a very respectful way and informed him that we did not work with the Natl Park, there was no Natl Park, he was on private land, and yes, he did come all the way from Ohio and would not be climbing C sharp that day.
He left somewhat frustrated, unhappy, and unsatisfied, but hopefully a bit better informed. It was a good thing that Sunshine wasn't there.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 4:56 pm
by Toad
Yep. More idiots from Ohio. You probably saved him from falling off the cliff. Oh, wait. That's the other thread.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 5:16 pm
by meetVA us all a favor and go croak somewhere! :mrgreen:
I'm sorry you aren't from Ohio yourself. I know your comments are just fueled by jealousy. It's okay. We will still talk to you.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 5:23 pm
by Toad
Ah, my dear child. I did my time in Ohio as a youngin. I've been down here for many a year and have no desire to go back to the great white north. Thanks for still talking to me. You're one of the good ones. Back to eating flies...

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 7:15 pm
by tomdarch
It seems to me that "the Red River gorge" has a limited definition in a strict geological sense, but in a defacto way, "the Red" is commonly used among climbers to mean all the climbing areas in the online guide.

It seems that for now, the developed areas are still reasonably close to the actual Red River Gorge, but eventually development may spread beyond that area. I'm thinking about the Frankenjura region of Germany with about 700 crags. How far can a crag be from the actual Red River Gorge and still be "climbing at the Red"?

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 7:46 pm
by JB
The crags on the Morehead ranger district are not labeled as "the red" by anyone that i know of, but the southern region has areas nearly as far away from "the red" that we still call the red river gorge. if it's in the guide, and the guide is called "Red River Climbing", then people will refer to it as the red.

Note: the original guide for the area was called "Cumberland Climbers Guide" or something to that effect. maybe they had more foresight than we do now. ;-)

i agree, this thread is silly, but a useful way to be useless for a while.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 9:34 pm
by Sunshine
Unless you use useless uses uselessly.