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Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 12:32 pm
by TradMike
Pulled tendon in middle finger (mostly healed)
Pulled shoulder (mostly healed with shoulder dumbell exercises)
rolled ankle (fully healed - 2yrs later)

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 3:12 pm
by Crankmas
cancer is eating my soul

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 3:27 pm
by Lateralus
Right shoulder tendonitis
right elbow tendonitis
(got so bad last year i couldn't do anything really without a great deal of pain)
my legs are so scarred up they look like a map of NYC or something
my hands look like they are 80 years old
but overall i'm pretty good after 15 years at this stuff

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 11:10 pm
by Sunshine
My wee knee got jerked on pretty hard.

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 11:27 pm
by J-Rock
True story from yesterday...

I took a pretty hard ground fall yesterday (from the trail). I was leaning against a tree on the edge of the trail on a part that hung over a drop-off above a steep hillside with scattered boulders and rhodos. Suddenly the tree snapped and I went over the edge with it. I crashed into the ground rather violently and smacked my head VERY hard on a large boulder. I was all tangled up in the branches and the rhodos upside down with both of my feet still in the air.

I thought it was a pretty cool ride and I was laughing about it. Karla came running up to the edge to see if I was okay and in the process she accidentally kicked dirt all over me. It went in my eyes and my mouth (that was the worst part). I remember thinking, "Wow, I'm okay, but now I can't see because I have a bunch of dirt, sand, and lichen in my eyes and my mouth." My head hurt a little bit and my neck it still sore (I think that one of the cervical vertebrae is no longer properly aligned). I also jammed my wrist and I have a sore elbow too, but I got up and climbed some more (I felt safer on the rock). 8)

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 11:37 pm
by Joe Finney
anyone up for a game of kro-ka? I dont think you can get hurt from this game.

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 12:17 am
by overhung
longlegsrule wrote:88 if i had gone through what you have...i don't think i'd be climbing anymore...mad props pretty lady... :wink:

wacky hurting (maybe sprained) right thumb/wrist going on a couple months now
malformed shoulders that give me constant pain...and freak some people out when they pop going up a route/problem
bad knees
horrible balance due to inner ear issues
weak ankles that don't like to hold me up walking down trails
gained weight...which does not help any of the above :wink:

ps how do you get cellulitis from a horshoe? :shock: i've been drop kicked many times in my yrs around horses...but can't say i have anything like that to show for it...

oh and chronic fatigue...
State testing finished a week ago and we gave our students a little reward day. Fun things to do etc... well, we let some kids pitch horseshoes. I said, "Alright now, be careful... watch where you're throwing the horseshoes... they can be dangerous." It wasn't five seconds before some kid chucked his horseshoe, missed the pole by ten feet, and it hit me square on the shin. I thought it broke my leg. Anyway, it swelled up pretty bad and I eventually got cellulitis because of it. The little bastard got detention.