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Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 3:25 pm
by pigsteak
meetva..people would do that?

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 3:29 pm
by meetVA
yes and not just me!

it is good to read that not everyone out there is an elitest climber and that most on this thread are pretty cool-headed. i agree with paul's, jb's and laterus's comments.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 3:47 pm
by meetVA
not that i'm a super leader by any means of imagination, but...leading does afford someone the ability to go and climb despite their partner's ability. so in that sense i would encourage people to lead more. usually the toprope isn't going to get there by itself...

then again, i've seen loads of people leading with the help of a stick clip. so are they then leading? no, they are toproping b/c they need to work through a cruxy section.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 5:59 pm
by Sunshine
It counts if it is more dangerous or scarey to second. Otherwise it is just logging mileage. I top rope for me. Are the anchors opposed? Watch me! Got me! Up rope! Emergency take!

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:21 pm
by pawilkes
the poll question is kind of jacked. it suggests that there is a hard and fast anwer to the question and i think we've established by now that there is none. i don't consider top roping on something that is reasonably safe to lead a send, others do and thats fine.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:32 pm
by Roentgen Ray
Top roping definitely counts, if your a chique.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:39 pm
by Roentgen Ray
Just being facetious on the above comment. Most women climbers are fantastic and much better climbers than I ever aspire to be. I think that the desicion to TR or lead is ultimatley the climbers. I will often encourage the people I am with to lead a route, if I think it's in their range. On the otherhand, I have often encouraged people to TR routes, avoiding much stress and possible mayhem for all parties involved. Now would I count a TR send as a redpoint. Usually not. If it's a TR route: yes, if it's trad: not any more but I did when I was a newbee, if its a route that is near my limit but bolted: never. I feel that if you can climb it clean it on TR, you should lead it clean.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:48 pm
by Steve
Count for what? Toproping?

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 7:16 pm
by Andrew
Joe was the best toproper ever.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 7:41 pm
by strum
no freaking joke.
all the dissing of climbing styles these days is making me want to not talk to anyone anymore. :roll:

if it is fun, if you like it, if it doesn't hurt anyone, climbing it, and feel good.

I thinkn a lot of people need to rexamine their reasons for climbing like they do, is it for you? or to impress someone else....

for me I need to rexamine my spelling :wink: