Are you comfortable with everything else? Do you need to talk about something? Violence is the overt message of an underlying issue. I'm here for you, Eric. We're all here for you. Relax, let the tears flow and tell us your problems.
I am just upset that Spragwa is so upset. I just want everyone to get along. I wish you guys would just kiss and make up or whatever else would help you too feel better.
"But what is happiness except the simple harmony between a man and the life he leads?" – Lord Byron
Riiiiight ... you know HoFo who thinks I'm a Horse Bitch wrote that. Don't try and curve the attention away from your angst. Are there any psychologists out there who can help analyze and assist Eric through his aggression and obsession with whale vaginas?
Zooo, Meeester Errrich, lay down on zee chaise. Tell me abhout youhr childhood. Vhat did your motzher doo to pohtty train you? Doo you have dreams ahbout your motzher? Perhaps dreams vher your motzer is neekid riding zee vhale?
Meadows wrote:Riiiiight ... you know HoFo who thinks I'm a Horse Bitch wrote that. Don't try and curve the attention away from your angst. Are there any psychologists out there who can help analyze and assist Eric through his aggression and obsession with whale vaginas?
Heh heh, I bet Ho would looooove to "anal-yze" Eric. Heh heh, get it? "Anal"..."eyes." Heh heh. "Anal." Heh heh.
Is Eric kind of overweight? The whale vagina thing might have something to do with those desires to climb back into the womb. I'm guessing his momma was massively obese. Or maybe not. I never did finish that psych degree...
Heh heh, "anal." Heh heh.
[size=75]You are as bad as Alan, and even he hits the mark sometimes. -charlie
"Not all conservatives are stupid, but most stupid people are conservative." - John Stuart Mill[/size]