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Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 5:26 pm
by pigsteak
I am thinking about asking for a raise. Ho was slacking, so I reluctantly stepped in. If ya wanna feel good, go watch the Brady Bunch.

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 5:28 pm
by Horatio Felacio
It’s gonna take a lot to drag me away from you!
There’s nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do!
I bless the rains down in africa, I bless the rains down in africa
I bless the rains down in africa, I bless the rains down in africa
I bless the rains down in africa
Gonna take some time to do the things we never had.

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 5:31 pm
by Kiribell
I dunno, I can appreciate that to a degree, but the consistency of it could be thinned out a little for my tastes as well as some others I think. However, I'm neither naïve enough or foolish enough to actually believe that he would change over my one little stand on a soapbox.. Spanking down a stupid post doesn’t need to be done with condescension with the goal of alienating the poster and making them feel stupid. It can be done with tempered constructive criticism instead which would lead to a more informed person. Call my attitude all fuzzy bunny slippers, smiles and rainbows if you want, but I can’t help it if I would like to see more of a team spirit of a sort in the community

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 5:48 pm
by Paul3eb
you guys are right. there should be no encouragement for accoplisments that are put in the context of their efforts and abilities. there should be no smiley faces for the kids who win the spelling bee in second grade because every idiot from this side of the hell to boston knows how to spell "mississippi" (president bush excluded). and the kids who are in the science fairs need to be help up on stage and torn apart limb from limb in their mistakes and their short comings. it's not until you apply your ideas and create something original that you are truly a student. and don't even get me started on babies.. even dogs know not to sit on their own fecal matter. and here people are rewarding them even pooing in their diaper, let alone using a toilet. these people should be held up to the standards that everyone else, the social and intellectual elite, set for everyone else. until they reach that sliding scale, they should be reminded that they still aren't as good as the best and should sally-up and work harder. context is nothing, especially on a personal level. so, with respect to climbing, you're not actually "climbing" (we're working on a new word so as to avoid confusion between "climbing" and "real climbing") until you hit our predetermined level. and since context is thrown on the door, pretty much everything before the thimble was free soloed in 1961 (debateably the first 12a.. the other side of the argument is a highball v4) should be thrown on the door.

pigsteak, i know you're just being a pain in the ass and making a point and being the devil's advocate.. which is good.. sometimes. and other times it just pisses me off and can be incredibly annoying. this is one of those times. i'll issue my pre-emptive apology is this comes off as sounding too harsh: i'm sorry for sounding harsh.

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 6:10 pm
by Horatio Felacio
paulc3p0, why the 'tude man? you and kbell need to get over yourself and show a little love that you speak of towards pigniblet. fucking hyppocrites.

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 6:27 pm
by Paul3eb
hofo, for the most part, i do.. i do appreciate people who, despite ourselves, make us think about why we think and act the way we do and make us consider why we really believe what we do. it helps us all i think. sometimes, though, i just cuts on me. and in that sense i am hypocritical cause then you could ask, "ok, why do you get to decided when it's ok to play devil's advocate and when it's not ok?" and then i couldn't really respond to you with anything other than a subjective answer. i think i've just lost my patience for times when people criticize others for being happy with how they're living and what they're doing. and i think i've lost that patience because i used to do it not all that long ago myself.

"everybody is a nun" -jd salinger, de-daumier-smith's blue period"

so as i pre-emptively said before.. i'm sorry.

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 7:00 pm
by Horatio Felacio
did you like the ewoks? i think they're pretty gay myself. so ambiguous too. i guess i'll also respond with one of my favorite salinger quotes, "If i were a piano player, i'd play in the goddam closet.". i love you paul for making me happy in times of need. i really love you. not on a homosexual level, but on the male-male bonding level like we've just experienced death together and held each others hands to stay warm. you silly copper android you!

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 8:57 pm
by rickardodaniel
hey i was one of those stooges :(

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 10:58 pm
by Alan Evil
Why the long face, Ricky?
Kiribell wrote:...naïve...
I never can remember how to do that umlaut thing or whatever you call those two dots over a letter.

I've said this before to piggles and I'll say it again: There is a time to be a flaming asshole and there's a time to shut the fuck up. Even Ho shuts up eventually. And he's been really dissappointing lately. You'd think he... was... [oh how I hate to say it!]... growing up! Say it ain't so, Santa, say it ain't so...

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 10:58 pm
by tomdarch
pigsteak wrote:first off, let's get something straight. to most posers on here, rock climbing is not a sport. it is a hobby. sport involves some sort of competition, and most chuffers on here lie and say they loathe the competitive nature of climbing. therfore, it is a hobby, like crocheting.
Piggie has OBVIOUSLY never seen "Craft Corner Death Match" Muwahahahahahha!