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Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 8:22 pm
by usccabum1985
Ill sit in a gym full of soccer mom tell people to do the FUCKING move, and smell like blunt, make refrences to drugs,and bitches. It ant climbing but it keeps me ready and is shure good for a laugh and Aaron com'n you know I live like seven hours form rock. :(

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 8:26 pm
by longlegsrule
rockstar wrote:if something can't be taught can it be learned?

and you really can't equate gym climbing with any real form of climbing. bouldering is cool. i mean you get movement with out any distractions (rope gear, belayer) but i'd way rather solo, but that's me personally. bouldering is, to me, practice for routes. gym climbing is not real climbing. call it training if you want but so is weight lifting or running. gyms cause a lot of problems in real climbing. they should be a last resort alternative to real climbing. and if you drive a long ways to boulder in a gym you gots problems. i mean c'mon!
gym climbers aren't climbers although a lot of people that climb aren't real climbers. :wink:
would someone please give him the definition of climbing...I think he's a little confused.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 8:27 pm
by charlie
rockstar wrote:........why would you want to be INSIDE, surrounded by "soccer" moms, pulling on plastic when you could be outside pulling down on some good STONE.
i stay away from gyms cause they suck. why would i care if i sucked on plastic? come join me on some walls or cracks and see who gets spit.
So I get off work around 6, drive to Cinci and boulder in the gym til it closes. We drive a ways to the gym because we can't be outside on some good stone. Yeah I got problems -- a fucking job and no local gym.

So yeah, once a week I drive a ways to climb in the gym for a mid week tuneup. Gotta get what you can but I'm willing to bet I've been doing this as long as you and in as many (or more) flavors. If that means you think I suck then feel free to tell yourself that. Personally, I couldn't care less.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 8:27 pm
by hashplant5
Right- maybe its just because my home gym is dedicated solely to bouldering, with font and hueco topouts, hotties climbing harder than you, and kegs on tap (beers free by the way)and no soccer moms in sight. The Spot has my brain warped appearently.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 8:31 pm
by Paul3eb
what does it matter to you? do you feel that by calling bouldering the hardest discipline of movement it makes you a better person? or that you're more worthy of praise? or respect? what do you think climbing, any climbing, is about? do you feel that calling it a sport (i'm not saying it is or isn't) qualifies it somehow?

by the way, does teaching necessarily negate any accomplishment that it gives rise to? if it does, than anyone that has been taught to crimp, heel hook, etc. or that has gotten any type of beta, whether for a specific problem or in general (since beta for one problem often helps later with other problems), all of their accomplishments should be negated, ignored, and generally forgotten or, at least, looked down upon.

all of it is ridiculous and some sort of inferiority complex, some need to dignify and elevate yourselves above something. it is what it is, nothing more. any attempt to define it or qualify it is just an attempt to boost your own ego. the title of your post, instead of being "Bouldering is the hardest dicipline of movement", should read "why i think i'm a badass and better than all you cowardly wanna-be-climbers".

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 8:33 pm
by rockstar
you guys subscribe to urban climber magazine? just wondering.

charlie i got nothing against people that are "forced" to climb in a gym. it's people that choose to climb in a gym over real rock that blow my mind.

hashplant..dude i can see you like gyms but you live in boulder man. climb on real rock you're absolutely surrounded by real rock climb it. go to the gym, snag a hottie and take her to a cliff. surely you didn't move to boulder for a gym. and saying you got hueco/font topouts is gay. go there and climb outside, unless you'd rather stay inside.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 8:46 pm
by hashplant5
Its a little cold rockstar...gyms are where i learned to climb and i enjoy it, i climb outside all the time...but im still a gym rat at heart. And yea i read urban climber. And I AM A BADASS AND BETTER THAN ALL YOU WANNA BE CLIMBERS, and thats obviously why i started this thread....fuckin dumbass. Actually i wouldnt have said anything but there was another thread which called the ONLY form of climbing i do easy, practice for something else and not a sport in its own right. I just beg to differ. And if someone has gotten beta, in my opinion it does reduce the level of accomplishment.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 8:57 pm
by hashplant5
paul3eb- if you talk any more shit on this thread ill be forced to load a bunch of pictures of you falling off of a nine, looking shit scared, on toprope, then ask around about your projects, and onsight them all. And when im done im gunna waste a whole day in the gym on a beautiful day in boulder, and brag about all the midwest hick-a-billy ass kicking i did.....ill flex you paul, so shut up while you still have some dignity

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 9:29 pm
by Paul3eb
it's sad that you think i'd care. and if you think dignity is something you can take from me, then i wonder if you know what dignity is at all. but i hope you're just kidding about all of that and i'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say that you are..

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 11:23 pm
by Yasmeen
hashplant5 wrote:And when im done im gunna waste a whole day in the gym on a beautiful day in boulder, and brag about all the midwest hick-a-billy ass kicking i did.....ill flex you paul, so shut up while you still have some dignity
And what will you have done at the end? You'll have wasted a whole day inside. And what effect will that have had on Paul or any other climber? None. If you're going to waste a day, it would be better wasted flipping through the pages of a grammar book.
