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Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 8:00 pm
by charlie
skychick wrote:.....
charlie: Thanks ........ for the wonderful spotting; & for cooking a fabulous dinner that seals your fate as a lesbian

When do we get to go back?
I seriously thought that was sincere gratitude. :?
meetVa wrote:..unless he's giving a "spot" when you are "less than three feet off the ground" and then he's totally, well, elsewhere.

She hit the pads from 3 (maybe 3.5) feet off the ground. I know I hit them way more times and a lot higher than anyone else and I'm not broken yet. Bouncing well is part of boldering and just as much fun if you do it right.. You really just need to embrace the momentum and run with it. 8)

HP40 in two weeks.....NC maybe the week after that?

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 8:13 pm
by Artsay
I love this picture of you, Virginia! :)


Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 8:24 pm
by lordjim_2001
That's the "O" face I was talking about!

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 2:04 am
by meetVA
do you ever look back at moments in your life and think, "now why in the hell did i do that?!"
my two best moments caught on film and posted on the www!

charlie, baby, i know you give a really good spot. i'm just teasin'. you definitely saved my butt from a good fall or two this weekend!
and for everyone's benefit, charlie sends out the super-postive climb vibes. if you can go on a trip in his westie i would rate it a 5 star experience!

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 2:14 am
by Wes
meetVA wrote:do you ever look back at moments in your life and think, "now why in the hell did i do that?!"
my two best moments caught on film and posted on the www!
Everyone, I have a small confession. I actually photo shopped those two pics. It was actaully Rhino who was doing those poses.


Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 2:42 pm
by charlie
Much appreciated VA. The group of kids I've been climbing with the last few months has about the best energy I've ever seen climbing and this weekend was no exception. It really is easy to throw yourself at the rock when everyone's so jazzed. Positive vibes for sure.

Annabell's stuck at a wedding this weekend but she'll roll next weekend and at least the 3 weekends after that. Life is gooood!

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 2:54 pm
by rhino
Annabell's stuck at a wedding this weekend but she'll roll next weekend and at least the 3 weekends after that. Life is gooood!

I love Annabell :)

Everyone, I have a small confession. I actually photo shopped those two pics. It was actaully Rhino who was doing those poses.


Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 8:29 pm
by rabbit
Paul3eb wrote:hell yeah artsay, this winter is going to be where it's at! t-wall and southern bouldering and the best of people ;)
Maybe I will see your group there. :) I often make it down to Tennesseee Wall at least once a year.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 12:28 am
by meetVA
t-wall for new years!

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 12:30 am
by rabbit
Sounds like a plan!!! :)