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Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2002 4:49 am
by Canuck
Re directional drilling:
Danny wrote:So what is typical? A mile -- 5 miles -- 100 miles?
A few miles "under favorable conditions", generally less. Not really far enough for drilling under ANWR.

Re human activity:
In principal, I'd agree with restricting activities to leave-no-trace. But, there is an existing settlement in ANWR and the Inupiat who live there are dependent on subsistence hunting and fishing.
I think further development outside of the existing settlement, and commercial hunting and fishing should not be allowed.

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2002 12:23 pm
by Guest
512OW wrote:Of course it is. OH, you CARE.......well, I care about being cool......whats the difference.

OH're plight is worthy.....well folks, thats only your opinion.
Yeah, 5.6OW, but your plight (being cool) is much, MUCH more challenging than protecting the environment.

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2002 2:16 pm
by dingo
Winterstorm, thanks for the link. That would be what they use for laying piping for transport of oil. Not exactly the same process for drilling for oil.

We are talking miles. 20-50 miles.

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2002 7:01 pm
by Guest
Dingo, I'm not sure where you got those numbers, but I've been doing a little reading and the state-of-the-art technology now being used by Phillips Petroleum allows for horizontal drilling underground over a radius of only five miles.

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2002 7:04 pm
by Guest
FYI, also, this still requires significant drilling "footprints." We're talking huge acreage. While the technology has certainly advanced, there is still no safe, low impact method to extract oil.

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2002 7:34 pm
by dingo
Lynne, Can you give me the links you've been reading? My information comes from study I did in college mostly on Schlumberger. They presented in one of my engineering classes on the technology they were developing and using

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2002 7:39 pm
by Guest
As with all technology, what is being developed (AKA theory, frequently) and what is being used are often quite different.
Here is a start for you:
Do a Google search on "horizonatal drilling technology." Add "ANWR" if you want to see the pros and cons of applying this in ANWR.

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2002 7:42 pm
by Guest
well try spelling horizontal correctly. DOH!

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2002 12:42 am
by Mrs.climbeRPh
You know Lynne, I agree with you on this subject, but the real task at hand is taking SUVs out of this "truck" designation. And this is something the democrats had a chance to do, but were legally bribed (ie, lobbied), and gave in to the car manufacturers to keep this designation. How a SUV is supposed to carry a load of mulch or topsoil like a truck can do, I have no idea. (Worst of all is the PT Cruiser's truck designation-what a bunch of crap!) There are a number of ways businesses and their butt kissing politicians create ways to burn fuel and waste land and resources, and until we stop this activity of being the big American Pigs that we are, then cutting off our supply (ANWR oil), is going to be like telling us we can go climb, but without the mountains. I hope they can prevent the drilling, but, I also hope they can keep Las Vegas casinos from running fountains, unnecessary lights, and daily towel service - yeah, right. By the way, I got one of those Toyota Prius hybrids, and it's a great car.

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2002 2:30 pm
by dingo
In CO and CA, hotels will not change your sheets and towels unless you put a special card on the door. They put a nice little explanation in the room about how much water and energy they save by doing this. I think it's pretty cool.