makes me think that all forms of climbing are of value, that all of nature is beautiful. truly, climbing rock is intrinsicly good. we are the ones who make it less by catergorizing, classifying, rating, and stereotyping it.
ijust want to know how that old busted up truck got to the bottom of the motherload. maybe there were roads down there once or else that was the site of the most spectacular drunk driving accident ever.
i'm no hippie. I have always been way to angry with my feet firmly planted on the ground to be a hippy. I don't smell like patchuli, and I don't smoke (anymore)... so i reckon i'm out...
but... if thinking that climbing is a relatively singular experience that we (in our all too human way) have classified until it has lost some meaning makes me a hippy, then so be it brother.
i agree with you jb, i think. too many "rules". just loook at all the freaks talking about "not using kneebars", "placing gear on lead vs. pre-placed", etc. that's a load a crap if you ask me.
Yo HO!! Just got me a code red and some funyons big dawg!!! SHIT YEAH! - Ray, excited about his breakfast