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Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 8:06 pm
by spuzo
I agree with Mia - it's like this - someone said earler too - none of us has any right to deny another climber the enjoyment of a route - that's what we're all there have fun and enjoy being outside and on rock....
however...I think we all know that "fair" is not how the world works in any aspect - even if I believe in karma that doesnt mean my nice deeds will be returned full circle but that also doesnt mean I should stop being nice....except to Ho...i think i might try to punch him next time I see him.

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 8:11 pm
by lordjim_2001
Spuzo: would that punch perchance be a donkey punch?

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 8:12 pm
by charlie
rhunt wrote:Snipped..... But Pigsteak did have a good point..'there are no rules".. Pigsteak mentioned learning to climb harder routes...
....which I also dismissed immediately.

Fuck porkboy. Who said there aren't any rules? What fantasy world are you people playing in? Even if there aren't any rules (not sure if I mentioned that's absolute bullshit) there sure as hell are things called manners.

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 8:19 pm
by Meadows
You guys should hang out with me for a day. If I want a route, I get it. :twisted: I'm just aggressive like that. Are you listening, Rhunt? :wink:

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 9:16 pm
by spuzo
The "you-flash-them-and-create-a-diversion-while-I-pull-the-rope-and-tie-in" strategy usually works too.

XTREME Full-Contact Climbing - fight your way to the crag - battle gumbies and posers along the way - no-rules - fight to the death...think you're safe at the first bolt? Think again!! Want to pull someone off a route...DO IT...


Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 9:55 pm
by Lateralus
For 11a and below this can be a big problem at the more popular crags. Above that it's usually not an issue. Going to a crag with the intent purpose of taking it over sucks. If you are in a big group and your group ties up a route all day your group has no manners, put a limit on how long each person takes on a route

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 10:04 pm
by pigsteak
yo last hippie charlie....

you hit the nail on the head...which I find amazing....first of all, where are your manners when sharing on here, if "manners" are so important to you? (I quote "Fuck Porkboy") Let me guess, everyone else has to follow protocol, but you can "be your own man"....

There are rules, and that is what I am promoting..the issue is, "whose rules?"

Climbing has as many rules, if not more, than any "organized" sport people play. The whole "freedom" concept is an illusion we use to trap ourselves into thinking we have this "fringe" gives us identity for sure.

Rules and manners are two different worlds....

go get em charlie....righteous indignation is the polite answer...

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 10:13 pm
by Meadows
I agree. "Fuck Porkboy" is a little over the edge. you could get your point across without any acrimonious statements.

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 10:27 pm
by Horatio Felacio
fuck porkboy...i wish i had thought of that. good work charlie

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 11:02 pm
by charlie
Meadows wrote:I agree. "Fuck Porkboy" is a little over the edge. you could get your point across without any acrimonious statements.
Hang on a minute, let me concentrate............

.........yep, sorry. I did what I could but there's just no way I could care any less about offending with that post. There's a time and place for manners and then there's a time and place where ..........

Seriously, though, you're probably right. I need to be more patient. I shouldn't get wound up by the oh so tired, and yet inevitable, devil's advocate drivel some people consider a personal mission around here. Arguing for argument's sake is just so fucking boring, but sometimes you can set your watch by it.

Me being the hippie though, I still got nothin' but love for everyone. Sometimes it's a -- you dropped the soap in the prison shower tough love -- but it's love nevertheless.

<edited, cause, well, I reread the thread>

I retrospect my righteous indignation may not apply to porkboy so much as people who believe there are no rules.........I'm still pretty comfortable with the devil's advocate crap though. It's really starting to bug me, not that it matters.