The Dating Game, round 2 - bachelors needed

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Re: The Dating Game, round 2 - bachelors needed

Post by Yasmeen »

Rain Man wrote:How could any guy have a problem with his lady being a rope gun? :roll: Strong female climbers get bonus "sexy" points in both personality and athleticism.
You'd be surprised at the number of guys who think that leading is too "unsafe" for their girlfriends, and thus won't give them a chance to. :roll:
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Post by Yasmeen »

Hey our smileys are rolling their eyes in unison! Artsay, it's happening again! That thing with the smileys creeping me out!
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Rain Man
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Post by Rain Man »

:lol: :lol: The "eye" thing is pretty funny.

As far as your remark, certain concepts M-F interaction do not now, nor will they ever make sense to me, in this and many other cultures.

People are people, male, female, hermaphrodite, whatever, everyone is equal and I treat them as such, like shit. :twisted: If a girl is dating a guy who doesn't "give them a chance" to stand on their own, logic dictates to leave the guy (the same applies if a guy is dating a girl who is a much better climber than he). Said guy (or girl if roles were reversed) has no grounds or rights to make ANY decisions about what the other person should be doing, married, dating, friends or anything of the sort. Maybe I'm the one who's being unrealistic, but I don't see how leading a climb is anyone's choice but the leader's. If someone tried to pull a power trip on me, saying a climb was too dangerous for me to lead, when it was obviously within, or just beyond my skill-set and worth giving it a go, I'd take a serious look at that person's fundamental philosophies on life and interpersonal relationships (and friendships).

I cannot change the way another person thinks, but I certainly can choose whether or not that person is worth being around or not based on ridiculous, retarded, asinine, bigotous or otherwise intrinsically flawed thinking.

Sorry, I got on another rant there (I seem to have a lot of those lately). It's just that certain lines of thinking relating to the oppression of others in any way shape or form based on something as arbitrary as color, race, creed or sex (or that the other person is too important to you to let them be themselves) piss me off to no end...oh, and thugs and bullies (I'm the guy that was always standing up for people in HS), I hate thugs and bullies.

Now back to our regularly schedule dating game, where the bachelorette will not tolerate dating a guy who has a problem with her leading routes/setting ropes, because she just might be a better climber than the bachelor. Suitors beware. :mrgreen:
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Post by Artsay »

:D I know, Yasi! :D I thought the same thing! :D :lol: :D :lol: :D

:lol: :D :lol: :twisted:

They're freaky little bastards, aren't they?
Does he have a strange bear claw like appendage protruding from his neck? He kep petting it.

Re: The Dating Game, round 2 - bachelors needed

Post by Guest »

Sandy wrote:okay fellas, we have our bachelorette for round 2, which will begin mid-week next week.

Here are her requested criteria:
Age 22-35
social drinker
non- or smoker okay
enjoys art and music
must be an animal lover
playing water sports is a plus
enjoys trad and sport and will let his lady be his rope gun sometimes
PM me if you are interested in playing. If you are close, PM me with any discrepancies and I'll let her take you under consideration.
Anyone else interested before I finalize our players? PM me.
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Post by kirkbrode »

what in the hell are you guys doing over here Sandy?! :lol:

Post by Guest »

Hey Kirk! Welcome to hell!! Don't say I didn't warn you
Sandy wrote:Those people are freaks over there. I'd advise against reading that stuff if you value sleep without nightmares.
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Post by kirkbrode »

I'm no stranger to Hell - Mischief and mayhem are my specialty. And "Freaks" you say? I should fit right in!

Sorry, dont mean to hi-jack. Back to Madam Sandra's Bordello...

Post by Guest »

oooh, too bad you're not single Kirk, or we'd do a southeasterner's version of the game!

So I guess the boys are wondering when the game is going to start. Our bachelorette has gone AWOL and I've not tried too hard to get things going.

Soon, soon...

Post by Guest »

the game will start Tuesday. We found our bachelorette hanging from a chandelier. Once we pulled her off, gave her some coffee and a cold shower, she swore she was ready to play.
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