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Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 5:47 pm
by pigsteak
stereotyping.."taking traits of a sub group, and generalizing to a larger population"

what am I missing?

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 5:59 pm
by Meadows
Where did you get your definition? Applying traits to a larger group is generalization; stereotype is an "oversimplification of conception, image or opinion" (Webster Dict.). That means that a conception, image or opinion was taken to the point of misrepresentation. Seriously, I'm not this contentious usually, just on days when I have to sit infront of a computer and do nothing.

"they are so sveltve and strong"..Japanese

This is a generalization founded on facts. They have a healthy diet, which makes their bodies stronger, maybe not in the sense of athletics although I think CCG’s example is something extraordinary. Not a stereotype

"not that there is anything wrong with that"..openly gay men running around

Where is the generalization here? It’s more like a disclaimer releasing the writer from any claim of prejudice.

"have an awesome diet that keeps them thin and healthy"..Japanese again

So you don’t think the Japanese diet is healthy? How is this stereotyping?

"way more into fashion and theater than nature" men again

She was referring to the ones she knows, which does have a stereotype implication. Score one point for you.

"little bruce lee climber"...wanna guess..yup, asian comment

The climber is Asian, like Lee, and probably as agile and smooth in skill. It’s quite an allegory.

"are cosmopolitan" men

Again, I was referring to the ones I know, but still that’s a stereotype implication. Score another point for you.

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 6:35 pm
by pigsteak

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 6:42 pm
by Meadows
Are you sure you want me to rip this apart and show how it doesn't help your argument? :)

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 7:34 pm
by pigsteak
Cross-cultural studies show that populations with the highest levels of fat consumption also have the highest rates of colon cancer. Studies conducted over 20 years ago, which tried to determine cause of the rise in colon cancer among Japanese people, looked at genetic factors, which had been the focus of study in Western societies. It became apparent that changes in life style including dietary changes, not genetics, was the main factor. Evidence gathered through studies showed that colon cancer was extremely higher among Japanese residing in metropolitan areas compared to those in rural areas where fast food restaurants were rare. Further proof to dispute genetic influences was found because the highest incidence was found among Japanese who migrated to Hawaii.

that is a quote from the away.....

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 7:58 pm
by andy_lemon
SCIN wrote:I've known some gay climbers. One that I know of was completely open about being gay. He used to work at Climb Time Cincy. The other two just haven't come out of the closet yet.
I thought you were homophobic too?

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:28 pm
by Rain Man

In fact, a recent study found that tofu has some agent that helps keep weight off (not to mention green tea, which has a lot of attention right now). [/quote]

Yeah, it lacks any nutritional value whatsoever and is little more than air in solid form. :D

Tofu, if I wanted to each a sponge, I'd do more SCUBA diving. :lol:

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:38 pm
by Rain Man
Meadows wrote:In fact, a recent study found that tofu has some agent that helps keep weight off (not to mention green tea, which has a lot of attention right now).
Yeah, it lacks any nutritional value whatsoever and is little more than air in solid form. :D

Tofu, if I wanted to each a sponge, I'd do more SCUBA diving. :lol:

So, if the population that consumes the largest amount of fat in their diet has the most colon problems, what if a tribe of cannibals maintained a diet comprised exclusively of fat Americans on vacation? Would this population base then take the "Title" from the USA for "fattest diet"?

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 12:24 am
by ynot
Intelectual babble puts me to sleep.

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 1:54 am
by tomdarch
Even here in Chicago, there aren't many openly gay climbers (or African-American climbers for that matter). While the overall situation is probably more complex, I'll bet that one factor is that there isn't a good critical mass of gay guys to meet. A lot of people use sports as a way to meet potential mates/shagbuddies, and given that there aren't a lot of gay guys climbing, it isn't a great way to meet more gay guys. Let's also not forget the fair amount of cheezball homophobia that gets thrown around here and in other climbing environments.

At the wall I used to work at, a few black people came in and went through the orientation (learned to tie in and belay) and climbed for a day. They all seemed to have fun, but I don't remember seeing anyone as repeat customers. I think that not all, but many, black Americans don't have much experience with woodsy-outdoorsy activities, so rock climbing seems pretty unfamiliar. Also, lots of rock is found in particularly isolated, remote areas. I get some very, very funny looks when I tell my friends that I go to places like Nada, Kentucky. Growing up in the city, anything south of Joliet seemed to be 'Dueling Banjos' territory. I think that a lot of black and/or gay folks don't think they'd get a very warm welcome out in the backwoods areas where you find good rock.