Please 59slab bless us with your revelations on my supposed identity. I would like to know who I am since I apparently am no longer my own.
I guess I am to new at this internet game to understand all the resentment and speculations. Have I stated my opinions and thoughts to harsh for all of your pc ears. Or is it just cause I’m not part of your little make believe world and have disrupted the herd.
I want your strong hands to wrap around my testicles like a kung fu warrior in day care. mother@@$@$@.
Pm from Horatio. I think he likes me
I am saying that everyone has assumed I am this fake person. I hide behind a name ? So does just about everyone on the this board. Its funnny how people react when your opinions differ.
I want your strong hands to wrap around my testicles like a kung fu warrior in day care. mother@@$@$@.
Pm from Horatio. I think he likes me