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Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 4:59 pm
by JB
tis funny how people can turn a privately owned and operated bulletin board into a soapbox for freedom of speech. it's a bbs about climbing for pete's sake... climbing is dumb.

Christian, if I came to your home or place of business, and you say it's cool for me to come, but you ask that I don't piss in your plants. If I do it anyway cuz I think I have the 'right' to freedom of expression and I really enjoy whizzing in your begonias, are you saying you shouldn't have the right to make me leave?

Ray owns It's not a "public" site really.
It's like climbing on private land... he can do whatever he wants... there's no such thing as "rights" here.

If Ray decided to only let those who he personally likes to post, then there is nothing you can do about it except not come here. So boycott away!!

damn, I haven't gotten worked up about this since I ran climbkentucky... LOL! :roll:

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 5:29 pm
by allah
DAMN, Im eating the Country Fried Chicken meal right now and it is bad ass. Probably the best one ive had yet, and only 8 grams of fat.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 8:50 pm
by Christian
TheMayor wrote: Christian, if I came to your home or place of business, and you say it's cool for me to come, but you ask that I don't piss in your plants. If I do it anyway cuz I think I have the 'right' to freedom of expression and I really enjoy whizzing in your begonias, are you saying you shouldn't have the right to make me leave?
that is an interesting comparison. I don't think we have a constitutionally protected right to urinate in someon else's vegetation.
What I am saying is there is something for JH to learn here and if we are a looseknit family as was earlier described then fairness should be adhered to. I was truly speaking tongue in cheek about free speech.
No I am not trying to make this a forum for free speech.
All this high school talking trash and using foul and abusive language should not be tolerated.
I appreciate being on this here site and all that Ray has done including stating my opinion even if it isn't popular.
I never really liked Healthy Choice frozen dinners

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 9:31 pm
by JB
I was trying to convey that calling what JH does 'free speech' is the same as calling pissing in your shrubery 'free expression'. sorta... i can only speak in allegory it seems.

I like Healthy Choice tiny chocolate chip cookies! Num!

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 9:47 pm
by merrick
jh came into a private club and got kicked out.

while many of us say very foul things on this here board, jh made much more targeted personal attacks than anyone. jh also did this after being asked not to. jh also mixed his jokes with his ideaology. this made it hard to tell when he was joking. when he made a chauvinistic comment was he just joking around or was he actually serious? the lines were really blurry sometimes. also he picked a subject matter that has always been taboo on this board. violence against women and sexual violence against children has never been really accepted around here. i remember ho getting in trouble for such things on the climbkentucky.

i was never attacked by jh nor did i ever attack him. while he said stuff that pissed me off sometimes he also said things that made me laugh. while i wouldn't of kicked him off, i don't miss him. i prefer trolls to be pissing people off not actual people.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 10:13 pm
by allah
Healthy Choice is so good, i have already lost 3 inches in my waist line, im so happy, I have more self esteam now and am not afraid to take my shirt off. DAMN I LOOK GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 3:05 pm
by Christian
TheMayor wrote:I was trying to convey that calling what JH does 'free speech' is the same as calling pissing in your shrubery 'free expression'. sorta... i can only speak in allegory it seems.

I like Healthy Choice tiny chocolate chip cookies! Num!
Good allegory. Sometimes the front part of my brain is a slow as...well,slow.
There was a time when I liked the healthy choice coffee or cappucino ice cream.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 3:10 pm
by Christian
Your statement above makes sense to me; I appreciate the distinctions you made about JH comments at times being blurred between joking and personal philosophy as well as his personal attacks on women being unacceptable.
One point though: Isn't it a form of male chauvinism to find personal attacks on women and children as taboo but as between men such virulent attacks are okay?

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 7:40 pm
by merrick
not necessarily. I think that is an interesting question though. i don't think feminism is the same as females and males having the same contextual structures to judge a given action. Essentially JH was right in that males and females are not the same; i think he was wrong in his assumptions that males were somehow superior becuase they could chop wood or something like that.

sexual violence has different connotations between males and females and a lot of this has to do with the disporportionate ratio of sexual violence between men and women. dan savage actually wrote an interesting commentary on this a few weeks ago in his advice column. the subject was slightly different but relevent. check it out. it is his reply to the second question:

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 8:17 pm
by tomdarch
Just to clarify things (as I am, of course, the final arbitrator of such things):

Male to female actions can not be compared directly to female to male actions becuase of the radical difference in overall power between males and females in our society (physical, economic, political, etc.). Yes, there are exceptions, but overall, men have power over women, and that context colors their actions relative to eachother. It isn't 'OK' for women to attack men, but because of the social context, they are non-equivalent.

As for JH being banned, I have mixed feelings. Perhaps all boards like this one should have a disclaimer that users agree to be subject to 'arbitrary and caprcious' moderation? Personally, I think that JH's banning is somewhere in the gray zone between 'totally fair' and 'totally unfair', but leans much closer to the 'fair' end of spectrum.

Also, read the last letter/response in Dan's column. Who here thinks that Ho and SCIN bottle and label their santorum samples as souveniers? (At least whatever they don't slurp up) Maybe Healthy Choice can come out with low-cal santorum? Guiltless and Yummy!