Ah, but will you want him back? I think that after bouldering with me on the Magnium crash pad, his cams will seem pretty small and unworthy. Just leave him to Merrick. Merrick is all about the bling-bling, and will be so very happy with Loren and all his cams.
yasmeen, i don't want to discourage you from bouldering because deep inside i too am a boulderer but i do want to warn you about one small detail about wes.
he not only has one Magnium crashpad but he has a smaller one too. the smaller one comes out of the bigger. it is kind of gross but also kind of kinky. just thought you would want the warning.
And, the smaller shall soon have brand new foam, thus making it even stiffer. Although, Yas, once you are deemed worthy, you would be allowed to carry one of the pads yourself.