Theft of route hardware at Muir

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Re: Theft of route hardware at Muir

Post by climb2core »

Syphur wrote:Keep this thread on topic please. If you want to argue with each other exchange numbers.

What other pertinent information and discussion are you expecting to occur? People have been made aware and will be watching. If anything, the more "bumps" this thread gets, the more it will stay in the front page and get more attention. But it is ok if I suggest a bounty to take them out and waterboarding? Pleez...
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Re: Theft of route hardware at Muir

Post by EricDorsey »

climb2core wrote:Yeah, and also entertaining is the flip-flopping view of Eric... You should consider a career in politics:

EricDorsey wrote:
cletuswilcox wrote:krampus- I've read the previous 20 pages of this thread. There doesn't seem to be a consensus.
Uhhh look at the poll, the vast majority say it was a bad idea. Id say thats a consensus.

Hahaha hilarious the aluminum is already back hanging! Great job das krue were back to where we started in less than 2 weeks!

EricDorsey wrote:Yep, I personally don't care one way or another about PD's I just think its lame 2 or 3 people(sandman, wilcox) think they can decide what is best for the entire community. That sort of attitude just turns people against you. What if I don't think bolts should be placed at all? Does that give me the right to take down every bolt in the red?

Hey you should really consider a career in detective work because those are two totally different Erics. Dont drag me in to the internet pissing match. Take a little more time to read before you flip out next time, havin a slow morning are we C2C?
Last edited by EricDorsey on Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Theft of route hardware at Muir

Post by climb2core »

Ha! My bad and apologies Eric. That makes a lot more sense. No, actually a really busy morning and was making a comment in between free moments... obviously without enough time to read closely!!! Not the first (nor last unfortunately) time that I have made a mistake. Anyways, I'll own that one...stupid is as stupid does.
Last edited by climb2core on Mon Mar 12, 2012 6:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Theft of route hardware at Muir

Post by pigsteak »

MarkM wrote:Feed them to pigs

I am ready.
Positive vibes brah...positive vibes.
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Re: Theft of route hardware at Muir

Post by Wolf »

pigsteak wrote:
MarkM wrote:Feed them to pigs

I am ready.

I see you're finally improving your diet in order to send a little bit harder. Kudos.
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Re: Theft of route hardware at Muir

Post by deragoku »

It is lively, and I do not know this web site in many months, but the first thing I read when I came here, this is dog feces.
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Re: Theft of route hardware at Muir

Post by KD »

you spam like moon trees in the hills of ford trucks?
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