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Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 3:07 pm
by vic
Da Beer! Of course!!!
(million apologies)

I am still cracking up over the poor cat above.

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 3:09 pm
by SikMonkey
I have heard the one legged cat saying except I heard it as "....on a tin roof" as opposed to "frozen pond".


Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 3:17 pm
by vic
At least the cat stays focused.
We (humans) start with a sports forum and end with cat shit.
"Bet the cat is laughin' now".

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 3:18 pm
by air canada
You'd think that after awhile people would stop laughing when I say 'out and about' down here, but they never do.
They're a little simple that way! :)

Oh yes, for all y'all out there, you know who you are, tobaggans are not hats, they're sleds! Toques are the hats. (speaking of borrowing words again!)

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 3:20 pm
by Spragwa
I will NEVER stop laughing at how you pronounce out or about. It cracks me up. You talk funny.

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 3:22 pm
by canadaclimbergirl
Spraqwa...don't you mean 'y'all talk funny???'


Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 3:26 pm
by canadaclimbergirl
My last name has a 'Z' in it...that's right a 'ZED' guys and your 'ZEE's'.....

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 3:29 pm
by air canada
Oh yeah, and I climb routes, not rowts.

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 3:31 pm
by canadaclimbergirl
cheers to that Air Canada!!!! what the hell are rowts anyway????

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 3:36 pm
by Spragwa
He he he y'all do talk funny...and very fast. Maybe it's just so cold up there that it freezes your brains a little?