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Re: Rockhouse Burglarized

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 8:43 pm
by milspecmark
Kind of of hard to do when you want to climb on Sunday and then leave to drive home after camping/climbing all weekend. Unless you purchase another night of camping (for sunday night) just to leave your stuff at the campsight till you are done climbing sunday.

Re: Rockhouse Burglarized

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 8:48 pm
by dustonian
Well, if that's the case I would recommend climbing elsewhere on Sunday until Tutt is in jail for a while again.

Re: Rockhouse Burglarized

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 8:52 pm
by bcombs
Was there some banter about getting a locker system at Miguel's to put valuables in while you are at the crag? I might be making this up, I can't remember. :)

Re: Rockhouse Burglarized

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 2:18 am
by whatahutch
Eric Cox wrote:I live in my van. It is my home. If I shoot someone in the act of breaking into my home, am I still protected by the Castle Law???
My wife and I were just burgled yesterday, and I asked the cop if I could have put buck shot in the guy. He said as long as the criminal is inside the house, that you feel threatened, and that you can articulate this in court, that I could shoot him/her. So I asked if I could have shot him in the yard. Cop told me that the criminal has to be in the house. So, if he was inside the van, maybe... if you can articulate that you felt threatened in court also.

On the bright side of our burgled home, my wife is awesome because she actually caught the guy (which made him drop everything he was trying to steal) and texted his plate # to her phone before he took off. (He actually parked in our driveway). Then when we were cleaning up our ransacked home, I found his cell phone, which I promptly turned over to the police.

In less than 24-hours dude was caught, identified, and jailed.

Re: Rockhouse Burglarized

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 2:44 am
by toad857
whatahutch wrote:that you feel threatened, and that you can articulate this in court,
"he came at me, officer. I had no choice."

done and done.

and, by the way, leaving a GPS on the dash? forget about the PMRP! people will steal that shit anywhere. welcome to the real world. that's why cars let you lock your glovebox and/or trunk.

sorry about your windows, though--at least it's august. enjoy the breeze.

Re: Rockhouse Burglarized

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 2:58 am
by ynp1
Cool Chad i am glad it all worked out and everybody in your family is safe!

Re: Rockhouse Burglarized

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 7:04 pm
by whatahutch
Thanks Matt. It could have been much worse, and I am thankful that it did not turn out worse. He could have attacked Meredith, but he was just interested in running.
On a side note, Meredith just became interested in handguns. So Friday we are getting her a 380 and we are going to practice shooting it at my family's farm. I would get her a bigger pistol, but I would like for her to be able to actually empty the clip on it without killing her wrists.

Re: Rockhouse Burglarized

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 7:22 pm
by blakeleathers
glad they didn't jack ne of your stuff...however chad if you posted your joe dirt avatar picture of you on the front door he probably wouldn't have thought about coming inside..

Re: Rockhouse Burglarized

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:14 pm
by Ashlee
Lode was hit again today. My friend's car was broken into and the car next to ours (only two there). For the record, there was a car alarm on my friend's car. We actually left the front window cracked (hoping if this happened they'd just jimmy the door open). It looked like they tried, but were to incompetent and proceeded to bust out a back window, crawl into the car and rip the locked glove box open. They didn't get much - our wallets (mine had a whole two dollars cash) and one very old, half broken cell phone. They left a passport and a SS card. They went through the trunk (from the inside of the car, it's a bit comical that they didn't pull the lever and open it normally). Nothing else was taken - not ropes, quick draws, climbing shoes (there were three pairs sitting there, one pair of new five ten projects even). They left my purse (??). And I'm guessing they didn't see it because they left my server booklet with 20 bucks in it too. Anyway... done with the PMRP for a bit I guess. Watch your junk.

Re: Rockhouse Burglarized

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:27 pm
by dustonian
anybody been reporting these break-ins to the Beattyville PD? I know there's a low likelihood of them doing much about it, but this is especially the case of no one is actually reporting the crimes. They've been running the drunk driver checkpoint every day at the 11/715 junction, maybe they'd be willing to divert one guy down Bald Fork to try & catch this choad nibbling dickweed in the act. Squeaky wheel etc etc.