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Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2003 6:22 pm
by Meadows
SikMonkey said 'erectus'.... and 'homo'.......:D


Ah ... a fellow fan of Friends.

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2003 6:49 pm
by Spragwa
Chester: I do have a problem with a group of blood thirsty women shooting at naked men too. I'm hypocritical in many respects but not that one.

Pigsteak: A great mind once said that nothing will keep someone in everlasting ignorance quite like contempt prior to investigation. -Herbert Spencer. So, I went to a strip bar and all I could think of is how pitiful those women are and how gross the men were. I thought it would be entertaining but I just had to go home and bathe afterwards 'cause I felt like the slime oozed off on me. As for pornos, half the time the girls are so drugged up that they can barely talk. That's attractive.

I used those as examples of basic, prurient behavior that, while I don't like it or condone it, does not contain the violent, interactive component of chasing a naked woman with a firearm, which I find abhorrent and wrong. Can I admit that at first I laughed. hell yeah. But then I considered the deeper implications and found them disturbing.

Further, while the Iraqi women were not treated beautifully, they were treated better than the Afghani women were and better than many Pakistani women (villagers, not city) That's not why we were there. I believe that we were there to secure another oil resource. That's it. Nothing else has been proven. No links to Al-queda, no's all poppycock.

As for my leftist hippie-liberal self. Yep, I don't dig conservatives. But I don't dig the rainbow coalition or hippies with rich parents who stay in homeless shelters and kick the real homeless on the streets. Or how about those panhandling for food who are able-bodied young people without mental problems or other ailments. Nope, they suck too.

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2003 6:52 pm
by Spragwa
Meadows & Sic: Yeah, I did that on purpose. I'm a sucker for irony :D

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2003 7:27 pm
by pigsteak
eloquent post..I appreciated it.

now, to keep the ball rolling...our society oozes with sex, as sex sells about everything in our crass commercialistic society...the only dif with the naked women is..they are naked....(deep, I know)..let's turn the tables a bit, and you give me your thoughts on each, as to whether it is now OK...
1- same scenario, except the women wear bathing suits
2-both the hunted and hunter are naked
3-the men, as hunter, are naked, and the women are in camo
4-the women have paint guns as well

my is all about capitalism...make a buck anyway you can.

we should start another thread on the left-right debate..I can go on for days with that pick a side, and I'll debate the other...surely they taught you this in ethics class at law school...when asked the question who is right in a case, the right answer is "whoever is paying the bill"

the republicans had their time in the sun to shine like idiots beating up Clinton for "who the hell cares" stuff. now it is time for the dems to shine as well....

o other thing, since you are so sure we went to Irag for oil...make sure to not use any plastic bags at the grocery store (since those bags are made up of oil by products), but then again, you can't use paper either....damn people, make up your mind...we can't drill in the alaskan wilderness, yet we can't get oil out of Iraq.... we want our ozone, but 70% of cars have only one person in the forests, but by god give me my 3000 sq foot home...stop urban sprawl, but don't expect me to live in a small apartment with no yard for my dog...

think about this bleeding about any car with less than 4 people in it found at the Red on any weekend be ticketed for burdening our natural resources?...not a chance....climbers are as selfish, if not more so, than the general population. if you love the crags, you will stay home.

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2003 7:27 pm
by Guest
I wonder if this "game" allows these sick fuckers an outlet for their deepest, twisted desires... or perpetuates them?

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2003 8:28 pm
by ScrmnPeeler
Firing paintballs at nakid wimin is not my idea of fun, yet I do not wish to stop anyone from participating. I don't particularly like guns but I won't march to criminalize them. I don't smoke weed but I won't stop you from smoking.

You should be free to do what you want, but remember you will be held accountble for your actions.

How can a pro-choice liberal be anti-freedom? I would love to be a liberal, but you guys are fuckin crazy.

Oh yeah, I like to climb.

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2003 8:45 pm
by ynot
So would it be ok if the women were clothed?Paint ball has been around before and no one has comlpained.Kids shooting kids ,men shooting men,and Im sure a few women play.

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2003 8:51 pm
by Horatio Felacio
you people are weirdo's for sure. i really don't get the difference between these naked bambi hunts and just ordinary paintball games, in the sense that you are saying the type of behavior it condones - it's ok to shoot people that have a gun, but not ok to shoot naked women without one? i'm a little slow, but you all know this. please elaborate and try to use small dumb words.

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2003 9:00 pm
by ynot
I just reread the original post and it doesnt say if the women are armed or not.I guess if they were, they wouldnt be called "Bambis"

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2003 9:38 pm
by SikMonkey
Meadows, I am actually a fan of a piece of comedy far more classic than Friends.....Beavis and Butthead! I just for got to add the "uuuhhhhhh, huh huh."
