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Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 5:34 pm
by Wes
cliftongifford, Did you think to perhaps put a little bit of that scat in a baggie and get it to fish and wildlife? Seems they would love to have conformation of a cougar in the area.

I wouldn't be surprised, really. There are sooo many deer around that sooner or later, something will arrive to eat them.

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 6:11 pm
by Jeff
Virgil says he's seen one (cougar, not bigfoot - or was it...) down by the Ky River at the end of our road.
Janis swears she heard one across from their place.
We have slight cougar paranoia around here right now for the dogs sake. Enough for me to bring down the 17 round 9mm instead of the little .38

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 6:27 pm
by RRO
heard the old timers talk about cougars/mountain lions in this area a bunch and down south on the tn/ky border my whole life. it would not surprise me at all to see one.

amy and i saw a bobcat/lynx in the southern region running down the road a couple years ago. pretty cool.

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 8:00 pm
by Jeff
I saw a bobcat heading into the woods as I crested a hill on my way to GC/Solar.

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 8:32 pm
by whatahutch
How much do you have to smoke to start believing that crap about multideminsional bruhah bigfoots? I find it surprising that people could believe in such stuff.
I believe in God, but people have said I am crazy for doing so, then turn around and tell me about Aliens or bigfoot.
Seriously. Lay Off The Pipe. I have spent my whole life playing in the woods and have never came across anything like this, but I have come across a lot of tweaked out or stoned individuals who tell me these insane ideas.

BTW, there might be cougars, but wildcats (bobcats) there are certainly. There was one (at least) that lived in the woods on the farm I grew up on. We would see it once or twice a year until the coyotes got real bad when I was a teenager).

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 11:31 pm
by toad857
i'd sooner believe in bigfoot than god, but that's just me. maybe i should lay off the pipe.

segmented or not, the scat is likely from a coyote. any cougars killed in kentucky in the last 50 years or so are almost certainly escaped 'pets', and are few and far between. even as sneaky as cats are, a remnant population of them would be really tough to go unnoticed, especially in relatively populated areas.
also, bobcats aren't usually called lynx, although they;re in the same genus. lots of bobcats in kentucky.

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 12:43 am
by KD
I took a dump next to a bigfoot once. Wasn't too bad -- didn't stunk up the place like many humans do and washed his hands before he left. Not necessarily what you'd want next door as a neighbor but alright to poop next to if there's only one stall open.

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 2:23 pm
by toad857
no way, bigfeet practice LNT. they bury their poop, which is why we never find any...

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 2:52 pm
by cliftongifford
If only we could figure some way to get the bigfeet to teach LNT... damn, those would be some good instructors.

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 5:51 pm
by bcrock
I never met a bigfoot, but, I have met a man who claims he came face to face with several and I believed him. Well, as much as I can believe anything without seeing with my own eyes. I was climbing at Clark Canyon. One evening we went to Little Hot Creek. There were some folks in the tub when we arrived. There was already a conversation about bigfoot going when we got in. I chimed right in with my take which was/is bigfoots, god, easter bunny, ghosts, etc were all bullshit. Things got quiet all of a sudden. By now I had gotten used to the heat and was starting to understand the dynamic we had joined. Sitting on the side where the wooden bench is was a large man (~300 lbs). Right next to him was a large hand gun covered with a thin towel. The guy had lived in Lee Vining all his life. He was telling this young couple about his encounters with bigfoots and how he eliminated and disposed of his enemies. The young boy and girl were doing the talking when we arrived, so I didn't know it was the big guys story, hence I spewed my wisdom. The couple were scared and feared for their lives. Of course when I finally understood what was going on I wished I had not said what I had said. I can't remember what I said next, but, it had to be a mighty fine job of back-stepping. Somewhere in the middle of my bullshit the young couple split. Now it was just him and us. We learned that if we didn't challenge him and just let him talk he was just fine. Turns out he had many encounters with bigfeet throughout his life.