The Rock Warrior's Way
Yeah, TK, but the Bible has a bunch of stupid stuff in it like "you should have your hand cut off if you're caught screwing your neighbor's goat." Also, it's written poorly by a bunch of yahoos that never met each other, or Jesus for that matter. They couldn't agree on what's for dinner, much less what people should or should not do with their lives. AND... it's laden with crap to make you feel guilty. None of that stuff seems to help folks become better people or better climbers. I'd rather have Arno's book at the crag.
Last edited by TexasK on Wed Oct 22, 2003 12:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
" ...... every day I'm more and more dismayed by the sheer numbers of idiots in this country. I dream of running off into what remains of our wild spaces and .......... "
- Sandy
- Sandy
TK. I can argue that the sky is purple and it doesn't change the fact that it's blue. To many, the Bible is worthless. You don't conquer fear, you walk through it. True people of faith do not go through life unafraid, they just have the courage to face it and do it anyway. At least, that's what I've heard. I have no personal experience here
Jesus only knows that she tries too hard. She's only trying to keep the sky from falling.
Last edited by TexasK on Wed Oct 22, 2003 12:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
" ...... every day I'm more and more dismayed by the sheer numbers of idiots in this country. I dream of running off into what remains of our wild spaces and .......... "
- Sandy
- Sandy