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Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2003 8:38 pm
by Rain Man
Hey, you never told me how the PT test went and how well, or poorly the program I gave you worked (obviously dependent on how determined you were to adhere to it and train hard), or if you even kept using it.

As far as what you should do with your current decision....well, it's really a matter of passions. Is what you will be doing in the CG something you really have a passion for? All branches of the armed service have hundreds of "jobs". What might seem mundane to one, is interesting and fullfilling to another, or the "over-top-extreme" is actually a perfect fit, so it's all relative. If your "job" in the CG is not just a job, but more a reflection of your personality and contains activities that you would seek out if you were NOT in the service (or at least desire to do, if not for laws and restrictions making it illegal, i.e. Special Forces), then you would be passing up something equally as important as finding the "right" person. As stated numerous times, the decision ultimately is your own, just be sure you are thinking about YOU and what's in your best interests overall in life and happiness. Then there's always the "having and eating" of the cake where said "friend" moves WITH you.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 12:47 pm
by pigsteak
so what happened? did she go?

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 1:15 pm
by anticlmber
my cousins fiance is an officer in the coast gaurd and has been in the coast gaurd for 6 yrs now(?) He likes it and says it has been a great experiance for him. he has gone many great places and had nothing really bad to say about it. he thought it was the best "military" choice by far. i also agree with Ynot. if it's love and it's meant to be it will be. you staying or going shouldn't make a difference. flip a coin if all else fails.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 2:24 pm
by Crankmas
I too hope it worked either way, I know I gave the navy the best two weeks of my life, regrets? Hell No

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 2:25 pm
by GWG
I need to start looking at the dates of these posts. I'm reading through it, come to the second page and see Gretchen's name. I thinks to myself "Hey, Gretchen's back, how long before the flames start again". Then I see the date of 2003.

Man Piggie, you are going WAY back. Must not be all that busy whatever you're doing!

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 3:27 pm
by gunslnga
SCIN wrote:I'd stick around if I were you.
Bootay and climbing sounds like much more fun than some jackass screaming at you every morning to get out of bed and eat slop.
When did you serve Scin??? And I don't mean time in Juve Boot Camp!
Sita, this is a lifelong career oppurtunity you could be throwing away, as far as talking to a few officers, everyone has they're preception of things, as you know. I was enlisted, never thought of being an Officer, had it to do over, would stay enlisted. I had just enough power as a corporal to get in trouble, but not to have any responsibility for said trouble, enlisted men tend to have a better comraderie and seem to always know what to do, Officers just give orders, Wait for a salute, and move out smartly. I saw Sgt. Majors who told Commanders what to do, they did it discreetly like "Sir, would'nt it be a better idea to set up machine guns facing the enemy position" or "Sir, should'nt we camouflage our trucks in this field with no tree cover??" And it usually went like this "Well yes, Sgt Major, glad I thought of that" So officer/enlisted whatever, you may be throwing away a big adventure in your life, I went in at 17 and will never forget the good/bad times, it made me the person I am today, is that a good thing?? Only those who can call me friend really know, good luck!!!!
Corp. Brooks

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 4:29 pm
by pigsteak
yeah, I was just was a thread where someone's fate and life hung in the balance...and no word on what the decision was...anyone know?

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 4:34 pm
by Jeff
No word from Sita in a long time.
If she did go in, she'd be getting close to re enlistment by now.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 8:17 pm
by ynot
I heard she didn't go. Went to Penn. or somewhere.Some one I know said they climbed with her recently.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 10:43 pm
by dipsi
She didn't go. Really cool that she was accepted though.