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Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 8:17 pm
by caribe
pigsteak wrote:why does Caribe have to be so judgmental? He assumes you have to be religious right wing or pc left to take offense to a deragatory word. Since the vast majority of Americans fall in between those extremes, I would find it disheartening if they did not find "some" words offensive...
I certainly meant the right the left and all points in between. My first question left it wide open, but perhaps Pete did not understand what the hell I was trying to say.

At every version (turn) I just can't get past that pussy pigsteak.
<img src="">

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 9:15 pm

I have two children. A 9 year old boy and a 6 year old girl. I say all of the nasty words around them because I'm a firm believer in knowing that if they hear the words on a frequent basis they won't think they're so "bad". Last night I was putting Jake (my boy) to bed and said these exact words "Don't let the fuck nuggets bite Jake!". We both laughed our asses off for 10 minutes. Tell me that isn't family bonding.

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 10:01 pm
by Saxman
Hey SCIN, at what age did they get to start watching you have sex? We are thinking of having kids and we keep arguing over what's the appropriate age to teach them.

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 10:22 pm
by petey
Well Ray it's indeed your place so I will leave it lie.

Caribe-not quite far left but I'm certainly a liberal person.

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 10:29 pm
by Yasmeen
Wait... from the time I met you and Michelle, you told me that Jake was a girl and his name was Tikka. What else have you guys been lying about?

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 11:15 pm
by dipsi
SCIN wrote:Petey,

I have two children. A 9 year old boy and a 6 year old girl. I say all of the nasty words around them because I'm a firm believer in knowing that if they hear the words on a frequent basis they won't think they're so "bad". Last night I was putting Jake (my boy) to bed and said these exact words "Don't let the fuck nuggets bite Jake!". We both laughed our asses off for 10 minutes. Tell me that isn't family bonding.
Oh, Sir! How precious! Makes this grandma proud! :)

Stop lying to Yasi, and don't call me Grandma! :evil:

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 11:32 pm
by Josephine
pigsteak wrote:
Josephine wrote:
pigsteak wrote:I say ban Pete for having a conscience and some morals. He doesn't belong at a place like this.
don't ban Pete. she's super cool. but i don't know who Petey is. Pete and Petey are not the same person.
I wasn't alluding to Pete that we all know and love. I was speaking of the person who signed the post as Pete. Got it?

That being said, why does Caribe have to be so judgmental? He assumes you have to be religious right wing or pc left to take offense to a deragatory word. Since the vast majority of Americans fall in between those extremes, I would find it disheartening if they did not find "some" words offensive...

i suppose i should have read to the end of his post where he tried to impersonate The Pete. i stand corrected

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 1:01 am
by Myke Dronez
Would you let your children on this site? I think we can all agree that they'd be scarred for life after clicking on one of Ho's links. Mom too.

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 8:49 am
by krampus
anticlmber wrote:whata fag.

so if we can't say faggot then can we also not say
butt pirate

while we are at it maybe you'd like
nigger, jew, spic, camel jockey, wetback, cracker-ass cracker, retard, fuckstick, bitch, cunt, Pigass or other words of caring compassion. i mean should we just make every post say "i like climbing" or "i don't like climbing" would that help?? just wanting to help out.

your #1 faggot in the ass
you forgot turd burgler and hutch

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 9:00 am
by Steve
SCIN wrote:I have two children.
Congrats buddy! I had no idea you and Michelle had kids. Where have you been hiding them all these years? Or did you adopt for some third world country like Jolie Pitts?