Teethbrushing and pee

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Post by DriskellHR »

Man its all in the hips! if you are just moving your arm then your waste will move. the trick is to counter the motion with your hips, like a washing machine. If done right the end result is a bulls eye every time 8)
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Post by krampus »

heidiramma wrote:whatever
I brushed my teeth walking down the hall at work today, by the time I got the the bathroom, I spit, rinsed. Then took a pee. Quite easy, and no worry about aim. As for coworkers givin' the evil eye, they should be happy, I brushed today at least. :wink:
the dirty look were probably because you did not sit down
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Post by caribe »

You are all kidding yourselves except Heidi and Canuck.
Blue Shoes
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Post by Blue Shoes »

Why do you think they invented the sonicare? with that, my aim is so good I can put on deoderant too. I save so much time...If only I had somewhere to be.
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