Pigsteak says....
i don't know what charlie means by the most noble profession. i guess we'd need to define noble. if we want to talk about noble professions
Websters Dictionary states
4 entries found for noble.
To select an entry, click on it.
noble[1,adjective]noble[2,noun]noble gasnoble savagenoble rot
Main Entry: 1no·ble
Pronunciation: 'nO-b&l
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): no·bler /-b(&-)l&r/; no·blest /-b(&-)l&st/
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, from Latin nobilis well-known, noble, from noscere to come to know
1 a : possessing outstanding qualities : ILLUSTRIOUS b : FAMOUS, NOTABLE <noble deeds>
2 a : possessing very high or excellent qualities or properties <noble wine> b : very good or excellent
3 : grand or impressive especially in appearance <noble edifice>
4 : possessing, characterized by, or arising from superiority of mind or character or of ideals or morals :
I don't speak for Charlie, but I would guess any of these would do for his definition.
I think most of the Jobs that require a certain amount of emotional stamina when dealing with people on a constant basis in a no win situation is noble.
I agree on the baby sitting thing, you can see it on parents/teachers night. When the teacher is explaining the progress or lack there of to the parent/parents and the minute you say something constructivly critical, they attack you. They say it's all your fault, although up to that point they were not active in the childs education past dropping them off at school.
Pigsteak spouts....
i do stand by this point. if someone doesn't like their job, go get another one.
I guess when your doing a job for the love of it and it becomes hard you should just give up and get a factory job where you dont have to be anything but be an automaton. I'm basing this on the idea, that the nobility Charlie is refering to, is in the definitions I posted, if not, the post office is hiring. Btw I'm not attacking your statements, just trying to get to the skinny of them, alot of times I agree with some of your political rhetoric