Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 2:28 am
you can't fool me, Miss Meadows... you are sharp as a whip, and just love the dra ma
Don't fool yourself, unsubstantiated arguments without sources and facts are not to be trusted. This is a chase your tail insult fest fueled mostly by opinions, not facts.Meadows wrote: Whaaaat?! I'm learning a lot here because I am one of those "other readers who catch nightly soundbites on the news" or whatever you said. Don't leave!
Man so where are the reliable sources at? tv news internet...nevercharlie wrote:Meadows wrote: Don't fool yourself, unsubstantiated arguments without sources and facts are not to be trusted. This is a chase your tail insult fest fueled mostly by opinions, not facts.
Exactly. Media is biased and some journalists concoct their own stories just for a little glory.rhunt wrote:
Man so where are the reliable sources at? tv news internet...never
Where are the "Facts"
Reliability is a relative thing. Rule #1 at my College buds' message board is to go off using BS info and form unsubstantiated opinions, but quote the source. That way when I read something that's either somewhat accurate or completely off base I can check the source and decide for myself. You guys should see some of the threads over there, it hurts my head.rhunt wrote:charlie wrote:Man so where are the reliable sources at? tv news internet...neverMeadows wrote: Don't fool yourself, unsubstantiated arguments without sources and facts are not to be trusted. This is a chase your tail insult fest fueled mostly by opinions, not facts.
Where are the "Facts"
I'm a hypocrite in a lot of ways, but not this one: raise my taxes. Raise the tax I pay on gas and use it to fund better public transportation. Raise my income taxes and use the money to provide health insurance for children and to improve public education. Raise my taxes more than for the working poor, and raise the taxes on the rich more than on me. Assuming that the tax money is largely used for productive causes like health, infrastructure and education, they will pay off in the long run.Uncle Big Green wrote:[snip]my words of advice to all - if you want someone else to part with their little plunderous govt. wealth redistribution program, then be prepared to part with yours (or admit to being a hypocrite). the only proper function of a govt. is to protect your right to your life and once it goes beyond that, it is an agressor.
Oh, the irony. That might have been true in the past, but today, the whole approach of today's Republican party is to get lower-income white suburban and rural voters to support them with social issues ("faggots are gonna ruin marriage!") while the core of their political action is to support the wealthiest people and largest corporations in the world. In other words, get poor people to do the bidding of rich people.ScrmnPeeler wrote:Dems are mostly poor people lead by rich people. [snip]
Americans (and people from other countries) did not die on 9/11/01 because of Iraq. The radically secular Ba'athist regeime there "had no operational relationship" with the religious fanatics who are trying to 'purify' Saudi Arabia. The shame is that their deaths were used as a justification for the invasion of Iraq - a radically separate problem.pigsteak wrote:[snip]Secondly, if I were drafted, I would defend my country, IN A HEARTBEAT. I would serve for any commander in chief if called upon. I would have went into Bosnia for Clinton, and into Iraq for Bush. Do I expect others to pay with their blood? I don't tell me...if I recall correctly, over 3,000 Americans already DID pay with their blood on 9/11....jesus people, where does it end?
Remember, it was Cheney, not Kerry, who went to CIA headquarters to chew out intel agents for comming up with "the wrong answer" about Iraq and WMDs. It was Bush who pigeon-holed Clark when he explained that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. It was administration officials like Paul Wolfowitz, not Democratic congressmen, who were meeting with Iraqi exile liars who were spewing crap about Iraq's WMD capabilities and links to al Qaeda, then spinning it in Intel reports and on FNC.And for Rhunt, and all the other readers who refuse to follow politics closely, and decide to listen to sound bites on the nightly news, I offer a wager. $100 to any opne who can prove Bush lied about his belief in WMD's before going into Iraq. This whole "Bush lied about WMD's" is such bullshit. Congress demanded a vote be put before them before we invaded, and guess what people, Dems and Republicans overwhelmingly voted FOR the war. If Bush lied to you, then so did Kerry with his vote in Congress. You can't have it both ways. Either Congress and Bush were pulling the wool over your eyes, and lying to you, or either Congress and Bush were making their judgement call based on the Intel. It is F'in hilarious to me how this is GW Bush problem, when Congress approved the measure of war. Why are we not calling all Congressmen and women liars? Liberals, got an answer?