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Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 1:31 am
by pigsteak
Does DonnyP think he was at fault?

I dropped ScoBro on a ledge a few weeks bad, and he kept telling me is wasn't my fault. He said he should have been talking to me and making me aware of the potential ledge fall at around 30 feet up...nonetheless, I am also at least partly to blame, and very lucky he did not break his ankle.
I was part of the team, and I accept my part of the dumb belay.

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 1:59 am
by dustonian
The same thing's happened to me a time or two, usually on trad/aid tho. I could have been more heads up maybe, and so could my belayer I suppose...but usually it's a dangerous spot in the pitch. I climbed BB yesterday... If you blow the 2nd clip there's no avoiding the deck. That's why you shouldn't fall while clipping there! ;)

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 5:07 am
by Clevis Hitch
ad hominem

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 5:11 am
by Clevis Hitch
up it to a grand and I'll take that fucking pussy

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 7:33 am
by Steve
RRO wrote:just about every sport i have been involved in over the years have involved helmets and for the most part were supported and pushed by industry leaders.
Yep! So when are gear companies, especially those who manufacture helmets, going to start using pictures of climbers wearing helmets in their ads?

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 11:14 am
by anticlmber

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 11:23 am
by climb2core
up it to a grand and I'll take that fucking pussy
Wow Joe,
I am impressed... didn't think you had that type of coin. But sure, you want to up to a grand, lets do it. I will be going to the New next, so won't be down this month, but lets set it up. Maybe we can turn the event into a little fund raiser for the RRGCC. BTW, thanks for the name calling. Will make it even more entertaining when me meet.


Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 11:28 am
by climb2core
Does DonnyP think he was at fault?
Read his post...

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 12:10 pm
by climb2core
Joe's PM he just sent me...

Title of PM "My dick is bigger than yours"

"so if I stay under the sack of concrete and catch it in my hands does that count? for a thousand dollars I'll catch a sack of concrete from 16 feet up. It may dislocate my shoulder or break my wrists but I guarantee you that sack of concrete wont be laying in a puddle of blood on the ground having a seizure.

I owe no one an apology. the ultimate fault lays at the feet of the belayer. Thats a fact. It may step on a few toes or upset some soft bitches. Just understand that climbing is fun, but it aint no game. Its serious business with serious consequences. You drop your climber and he gets hurt, you, as the belayer, own it!

BTW lick my muthafuckin balls !!! bitch!!"

This is Joe's PM response he just sent me. No, Joe you can't catch the sack. First, It will be over your head and beyond your reach. Second, no belayer would ever drop the rope and dive to catch someone. Third, even if you try to tell me that is what you would do, you wouldn't be able to change the outcome of a 110 lbs person falling horizontal from 16 ft, 4 ft behind you. The best you would do is grab their legs and help turn them over more...

Sounds like you are backing out? Who is the pussy now?


Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 12:32 pm
by anticlmber
climb2core wrote: Second, no belayer would ever drop the rope and dive to catch someone.
i know of one for a fact that has broken a fall from roughly 30-40 ft.

rope went through the gri-gri and the belayer sprinted to get under the climber. broke their arms but saved the climber's life.