L K Day wrote:I'll keep it brief.
You are completely wrong about where I get my info on climategate.
Regardless of how many Days were prowling the gorge in 1980, I was not one of them. I lived in Colorado at the time and visited and climbed in the gorge in '79 and '81 then again in '83. You can look it up in the guide book. The only mark I left was new routes.
I don't know and never was in the gorge with anybody named Cook or Boyd.
Some dick may indeed have been trying to get me "in trouble". Not sure it was 30 years ago however. The A and Y look kind of funny to me, like they don't belong.
Then I genuinely apologize for the (understandable) assumption that you had something to do with that. Maybe you're not as completely "conservative" as I thought.
But you still suck.
Here's what I just don't get about climate change deniers (and maybe you're just being devil's advocate to get the little mob of right wing baboons to squealin'), when you stack up the proof it's this enormous set of multiple stacks of pure data that would stretch to the moon many times while the denier "proof" is literally a few hundred pages of nonsense. I see no difference in the climate change denier mindset and that of holocaust deniers. There are tens of thousands of pictures of the concentration camps, I have personally talked to several WWII vets (all now deceased, sadly) who saw these places and there are still many hundreds of eye witnesses left, the Nazis kept meticulous records not only of what they were doing and how, but
why, the number of Jews in the world decreased by millions during WWII, there are still Jews with the tattoos from the camps on their wrists, and still people deny it ever happened. What kind of sick fuck thinks like that? Same kind of people that deny the climate is changing and that we are at fault.
The climate is changing in a way it never has before. In the last century the global temperature has increased by a full degree centigrade, that kind of change usually takes tens of thousands of years. The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is increasing at a rate unlike anything that has happened since perhaps algae figured out how to make oxygen (biggest mass extinction ever) but what we're doing is happening even faster than that.
Have you ever heard of the "Little Ice Age?" After a long period of increasing warmth there was a sudden dip of temperatures, to the point that during 1780 one could walk from Manhattan to Staten Island on the ice. A new study
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2562417/ concludes that man was affecting global climate even before the industrial age by altering CO2 levels. All over the "civilized" world we were clearing forests and burning the wood, especially across Europe but Africa and Asia as well (the study concentrates on European conditions). CO2 was increasing in the atmosphere and the average temperature was increasing (though way slower than it is now). Suddenly the temperature dropped rapidly. What happened? This study concludes the strongest force was massive death caused by the Black Death or bubonic plague. The population of humans in Europe (and around the trading world) dropped by a third, fields went fallow, the forests began to regrow, and conditions headed back to where they were going before hand:
Basically there were too many humans doing bad things to the world around them. This is one reason I'm a bit Nihilistic about all this because I personally think we've already screwed the pooch and the time we could have changed course is long gone. But that doesn't mean I don't think we should do everything we can to slow this boat down before it runs aground. A gentle bump, though not good for "progress" is better than plowing full steam into the rocks which is what we're doing now. I also think there are way too many people and I secretly (and abhorrently to myself) almost hope one of these viruses kills most of us before we figure out a vaccine.
Y'know, I trust scientists a hell of a lot more than I trust Fox Noise or any news outlet, for that matter. Science is all about learning
more, challenging accepted knowledge, testing things, examining the world in ever finer detail and on ever grander scales. Before a scientific study is published it has been reviewed by a whole bunch of people whose duty it is to find something wrong with the study. If they can they attempt to replicate experiments, they check all the math, and tear apart in logical conclusions put forth. Just as in any profession there are some cheaters in there, but they are quickly found out, especially if they are making grand claims. That is not true of the denier people. It doesn't matter how thoroughly their claims are debunked and refuted, they continue as if nothing has happened, using circular arguments with no basis in fact. They are functioning on
belief, not data, which is why arguing this kind of thing is futile.
But it must be argued because we have complete and utter fruitcakes like Michelle Bachman and James Inhofe making our laws and policies and they must be held in check by those rational Americans that are left.
I've got a great argument about why you should be a conservationalist if you consider yourself a patriotic American but I've run out my 'fuck around on the internets time' for the day (plus a little from this morning).
[size=75]You are as bad as Alan, and even he hits the mark sometimes. -charlie
"Not all conservatives are stupid, but most stupid people are conservative." - John Stuart Mill[/size]