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Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:16 pm
by dustonian
The world as it exists when you're not tripping. I don't judge you for experimenting--I've done more than my share, and it is damned fun and interesting--I just don't feel people should formulate world views, belief systems, and life plans while under the influence. Ultimately, your tolerance to the drug will only be rising and the detrimental effects will inexorably begin to outweigh the positives--and at that point you have to stop going into spiritual insight-land and come back to sobriety (where "enlightened" perspectives are infinitely harder, but more satisfying, to attain), or else go over the deep end forever like quite a few people I know. In the end, it is not a sustainable lifestyle for anyone.

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:30 pm
by dhuff
I would only agree with you if tripping didn't get me to exactly the same state as pure meditation without the use of a substance. LSD just allows you to be fully conscious and functional while channeling that energy. For me, taking a dose and going through breathing exercises and progressive muscle relaxation are the same, in that the point is to get into an altered state so you're more open to subtler energy forms. But I definitely don't trip all the time, I recognize the detrimental effects of it and take that into account for sure. But in my experience, I've found that the world as we see it when we raise our frequency of consciousness (which is literally what we do to become aware of that 'higher plane') is no less 'real' than the world we see every day.

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 6:29 pm
by krampus
brother, I believe you should listen to dustonian. The questions and visions of infinity are certainly a world that few get to see, its definitly a beautiful and insightful place. I believe you do get to see reality from a completely different perspective and I agree that most people, if not the world, would benefit from seeing that side of reality, but it can't be forced upon them. For you personally, you have seen that raw human nature and have gained from it, however, that is as far as it will take you, you will always come down, you will always snap out of the moment without ever quite dematerializing. your insights can not be taken away but your ability to learn and grow from other parts of the human experience can be by overuse. Humanity is truly a beautiful thing and the path you are on may be exciting now but it will shelter you from a truly broad perspective on the world

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 7:49 pm
by dhuff
If by 'listen to dustonian' you mean I should stop striving to constantly channel my higher self into physical reality and to help other people understand their true essence, I disagree. I see my state of mind before awakening to this truth as the sheltered mentality. I don't see how limiting myself to a biological computer is going to give me a more broad perspective of the world. To me it seems like you guys are saying that it's impossible to show this to someone. I don't just disagree with that, I know for a fact that this is not true. It takes another person first affirming for you that something is there for you to see before you can actually step out and have any idea what is really happening.

I also understand the dangers of using substances for raising one's frequency, and I am not really one to overdo stuff I can fry my brain on. So I'm good on that.

I feel like you guys are trying to dissuade me from spreading the good news. That is the most selfish thing I could do with my life now that I have this knowledge. And the only reason that we 'come back down' is when we for some reason try to wrap our heads around what is happening. Instead of just experiencing it with no filter, we try to comprehend it. And that is what snaps us out of it.

But I've taken time to meditate on the question of what actions are truly worth doing in this world. And spreading the truth is really the most important thing one can do. For real, what else is worth doing above that? I can't think of anything. And learning to tap into my higher self as much as possible not only is good for me personally, but it gives me a clearer picture and allows me to spread the message more easily.

Now the plan for me and my friends is to play this game long enough to get the money required for land and materials we need, and to gather the knowledge required to become completely self-sustaining. Fuck the system, its purpose is to enslave us. We don't need it. So the goal, just like with the knowledge, is to free ourselves and to then show everyone we can that it's possible. That way, however many people are willing to accept the change of lifestyle and loss of a few worldly comforts will live in complete freedom...and in that place, the pursuit of constant spiritual awareness is not something that will hinder a person in any way, but will allow us to grow even stronger and to hopefully attract even more people who will embrace the new way of free humanity.

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 9:56 pm
by caribe
dhuff, if nothing else, this is all damn entertaining. I have walked down the path you are currently on. Stay critical and question everything, even your senses. You must be hallucinating in most of these experiences; the human sensory machine is often in error. Be careful friend. I would love to sit and BS with you sometime.

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 9:58 pm
by pigsteak
again I ask, who is going to work in the factory that produces your climbing ropes?

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 10:06 pm
by krampus
I am not saying you should stop believing in something. I am just saying don't over do the acid. Its easy to do and can't be undone.

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 10:14 pm
by pigsteak
aren't drugs just an escape from reality? whether it is aspirin, codeine, lsd, pot, beer, or caffeine, don't these all mask an aching in the human spirit?

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 10:47 pm
by dhuff
Caribe: That's awesome. What stopped you feeling free and thinking like this? Did you end up getting sucked into the game, the 'real world' of working for the system?

Krampus: I appreciate the heads up, I've definitely done a little light research--enough to know how quickly acid will destroy a person's ability to function. Thanks for lookin and dustonian both.

Pigsteak: There will be no climbing ropes. Sorry. And I don't use any substance to mask any sort of pain. I am completely free of spiritual/emotional 'pain' as it were. I have chosen to free myself of it. Drugs are completely unnecessary...but damn do they make you feel good. Actually I just smoke weed and probably monthly take a good acid or mushroom trip. I'm not too big on anything else. But for some people, drugs are the key to feeling 'normal,' and that's how you know you've messed up.

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 1:36 pm
by Crankmas
this kinda reminds me of when Ricky Bobby thought he was on fire and his friend was trying to get the EMT's to put out the invisible flames- it was the outer fear of the cougar that lead to the inner confrontation with the invisible flames , ie. the pursuit of philosophy is a grand endeavor but the human condition may never reveal all the answers but if you quit asking them do they go away?