I wouldn't say an effort to not fan flames, I'd say an effort not to suffer a beatdown!
Look at this page we're on. This thread had almost died off. Then BANG! I've got Caribe, Meadows,Pigsteak and OZ piling on.
Caribe wrote In other words and in general, if all decisions need to be voted on in town hall fashion, nothing would get done.
Wow! thats a big statement. I read that as If everyone had a vote nothing would ever get done. I mean in these meetings you guys do utilize Roberts Rules of Order, right? Or is it just some sort of shout down? No wait I think that when the meeting is public there are no actual decisions made, nothing is voted on. Especially by the constituancy. You just have a couple of board members standing in front of the crowd telling them what they're gonna do. There is no voting in public. There is no true discourse, basically just an anouncement. The last meeting I attended, I had a few questions and was shouted down by one individual.
Hey I have an idea! How about we have the meetings online?
https://www1.gotomeeting.com/t/over/RAI ... msem3.tmpl
Thats an amazing idea! Or how about a
www.youtube.com channel. At least if we published the meetings in this fashion then people would at least have the chance to be more engaged.
Wait! I got it!
I'll do it!! I mean I can publish it to you tube. I can sign up for
www.gotomeeting.com I can use my camera and computer to make it happen. So if there are no objections I'd like to make this happen for the next meeting.Anyone object?
If you give a man a match, he'll be warm for a minute. If you set him on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life!