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Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 1:00 pm
by pigsteak
Oz, that is my inquiring mind.

I asked Buster, Ashtray, or Pru to produce a name of the person (the third party) who supposedly saw this event. This third person could then give us his first person account of the shenanigans.

That might clear some names, and bust some others. But without calling them out completely, then this accusation is just lame.

Re: Sculptor Loose @ Muir!

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 1:21 pm
by Buster
Buster wrote:Tuesday @ The Lode one of the young kids was saying that while he was climbing at Muir Valley he saw some old dad hanging near the anchor of one of the new moderates. The old boy was Wes Humping and chipping at the clipping hold and at the same time declaring that since it was the jug used to clip the anchor it should be bigger. I wonder if Rick Weber is aware that some retarded and shabby chipper is loose on his land. I suspect that the lord of the manor wouldn't condone any such behavior and if caught, the offending sculptor would be shown door (so to speak) and asked to never return. Any thoughts?
Pigsteak, here's my original post. I accused no one but rather was asking for input.

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 1:29 pm
by Pru
Weber, no, you didn't use the word banned, but what the fuck ever. I told you I choose not to climb in Muir because my dog is happier off leash. I also said I hope people will follow your rules so that it will stay open. You pulled my waiver and said it was my choice. I asked if you were banning me and you didn't want to call it that, yet you told me I would be treated as a trespasser if I came back. Just grow some balls and admit that you banned me. It's your land and well within your rights (just like chipping!). Why are you so afraid to admit that you can be an asshole just like the rest of us?

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 1:30 pm
by krampus
When I read it now, it sounds more like some pretentious strong climber making a joke. And look at the ripple it has caused in the community. Oh the humanity :(

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 1:56 pm
by oldman
Since we appear to be complaining about the handful of people that give back to the community like Rick and Liz, Dr Bob and Grant just to name a few. I’d like to toss Ray and Michelle under the bus. Those two have single handedly caused hours of wasted production time at countless businesses all over the US with this damn website. Have you seen the list of rules this fool has us stick to? (he has an entire page of them) Let’s not forget the shabby guide book they spent a couple of hours putting together. I have even heard rumors that they are working on another edition, and will probably donate more of the profit to the climbing community (what suck ups). About every six months he takes this site off line for a few hours just to mess with us. This causes all of us to go running back to our computers every few hours just to see if the site is back up like a new parent checking on their kids to see it they’re still breathing. Ray, that’s just mean. Cut that shit out!

And Pru, it’s time to put up or shut up. If you have been wronged by Rick Weber, go ahead and let him post the PM so we can all see what you’re crying about. But until then stop complaining about being banned from a place you don’t climb at anyway.

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 2:15 pm
by Pru
The PM in question contains personal information and will not be posted. It doesn't even show the complete exchange about the issue, just what he wants to show.

And for the record, I haven't been wronged by Weber. He doesn't like me and he banned me from his property. BFD. It is his right to do so and no one, not even I would argue that. He just wants to call it something else and pretend he is a saint or some shit. Why not just admit it?

This is just like when people who chip call it comfortizing. :lol:

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 2:16 pm
by ashtray

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 3:21 pm
by Crankmas
oh sorry I was looking for the "theres a lobster loose thread" " the cans, they're trying to kill the cans"

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 3:23 pm
by pigsteak
I am coming clean. Every single one of my routes has had rock removed. Since I put at least 10 bolts in each line, you do the math for the permanent destruction I have caused. Plus, I vigorously develop the base to remove all plant life so your rope bag can open flat. The trails are only partly my fault. Trail days at Muir and the southern region where many people help are the real reason for the dirt bare walking you enjoy.

I also admit to killing a few wasps and spiders during the process.

But since I have been converted, from now on all rock will be left exactly where I find it on the routes. Those last manky flakes on mello yellow will not be removed, and the "X"'s will be brushed off so you can have your adventure. enjoy.

whew, I feel better.

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 3:27 pm
by ashtray