The point isn't what color the tick marks are, the point is that using white chalk is the norm now-a-days. It isn't ideal to use chalk at all from an environmentalist stand-point, I agree, but why make a problem worse than it already is by using different colored chalk. Last season I was climbing out at Curbside and someone had left these massive (like 1-inch think by 5-inches long)tick marks on a route using white chalk, in my opinion that's just as bad as using blue chalk to tick up a route. So, instead of ticking a route up with excessive white chalk or with different colored chalk, why don't we try to fix a problem by brushing off our ticks after we finish a route and then it won't be as big of a problem. So why don't we stop pissing and moaning about whose being a hippocrite and instead just stop being lazy and clean up after ourselves when we are out at a crag.
Oh yea, this guys needs to be given hell. If everyone takes up this practice then the walls will look like graffiti, and it is a struggle as is to maintain cleanliness in the red, what with the influx of inconsiderate tourist in years past. It's gotta stop somewhere and colored tick marks is it. And I agree... this person hopefully doesn't want to be "that guy".
yeah, this dude does not discriminate either! those blue tick marks are on some shitty routes! so shitty i want even say,because then everyone would know that i was there!