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Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 7:05 pm
by caribe
Clevis Hitch wrote:Caribe, You got a problem with the way Frank runs his cocksucker? Challenge him to a fight.
ha ha ha, such a response would never cross my mind. Frank has the right to hate. I have the right to leave him alone. I am not even angry with him, there is just a fundamental loss of respect. I would go out of my way to help him if he needs it. I do not have to drink or climb with him though.
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 8:28 pm
by Clevis Hitch
So you call him out and nine pages later there is no resolution. You haven't changed your opinion he hasn't changed his. Whats the use. At least with a fight you'd have blown off all of this steam in a ring rather than blow it off on people who don't deserve it.
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 9:00 pm
by caribe
Clevis Hitch wrote:At least with a fight you'd have blown off all of this steam . . . Nine
There is nothing to fight about. Crankmas has the right to his opinion. Crankmas did not hurt me. I think his statements were racist, but I am not sure whether Crankmas is a racist. I've never had a problem with him in person.
[] My initial response was to post that piece on why the song
'if you have a racist friend' was written. It was a response to some friend who made racist statements off the cuff, but who by all other measures was a fine person.
[] Crankmas is not defending his point of view. I am not sure he can develop a cogent paragraph.
[] I know that I do not know the whole truth. The guy could have a heart of gold. As things stand, I have to go with what I think I know. I also know that talk like Crankmas' is very similar to Nazi antisemitic propaganda. I sometimes wonder why the German people allowed hatred and bigotry to become the final solution. The answer has to be apathy and courtesy to the haters. I applaud pigsteak for his anti-hater attitude even when it is him and I at logger heads.
[] I will not respond to Crankmas with hatred; fighting is absolutely out of the question, I don't feel angry; there is nothing wrong that a physical contest could make right.
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 9:01 pm
by caribe
Clevis Hitch wrote:Nine
I did not write 9 pages and it is probably incorrect to view this dialog as worthless.
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 10:57 pm
by pigsteak
pffft....who you calling loghead, cheesehead?
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 11:19 pm
by Clevis Hitch
caribe is from Wisconsin? By the way, is it "him and I", or "he and I"? I woulda said "He", but I'm an uneducated lout.
or he and I. I woulda said He
Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 1:28 am
by Alan Evil
pigsteak wrote:alan, when the pictures of Palin were going around of her dressed as a stripper, were you also offended with the sexist nature of those. I just don't remember you coming our denouncing those sexist views, but maybe I am wrong.
Uh, I wasn't posting on here during that period but I thought all those (the one of her head on the bikini slut with gun, the one with her head on a pole dancer, etc.) were tasteless and tacky. She's a bimbo and an idiot but that can be shown in satire that's not generally demeaning to women.
caribe - Crankmas is fucking with you. That's all he does.
And seriously, dude, ask a black man if portraying any black male as a shoe shine boy on his knees before a white person (regardless of context) is racist. Go ahead. Take that picture down to Jacob and Jackson in Louisville and ask the first dark skinned person you see if it's racist.
Actually, don't do that. You would be a dead motherfucker.
Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 2:40 am
by pigsteak
wow, now that has to be the most racist statement in the thread to date. ask a black man about a photo shopped picture, and he'll kill you. nice job showing your true colors alan.
Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 2:43 am
by pigsteak
oh but wait, since you are a white man who understands the plight of every black man kept down by the mega corporations and sleezy neo con politicians, it's not racist when YOU say it.....

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 2:47 am
by Wes
Alan Evil wrote:
And seriously, dude, ask a black man if portraying any black male as a shoe shine boy on his knees before a white person (regardless of context) is racist. Go ahead. Take that picture down to Jacob and Jackson in Louisville and ask the first dark skinned person you see if it's racist.
Actually, don't do that. You would be a dead motherfucker.
Lexington had a great shoeshine guy, who was also black. Quite well known downtown, and he did pretty well for him self. But, he died this year, and there were several tributes/articles on him.
Humans are all predisposed to prejudices of one kind or another - all races, all cultures, both sexes, etc. All about your yeah for your group and boo for anyone outside that. Just look at how climbers look down on atvers or even hikers. Or UK fans and UL fans etc.