Gore was photogenic enough, but was tied to closely to Clinton and his tarnished image. Gore actually hated Clinton at the end, and did not want him campaigning for the Gore camp, which turned out to be the wrong decision.
Obama will not be the democratic nominee, b/c the party knows he can not win.
It will be Hillary against Rudy in 08. And the race will be tight, with Hillary winnning.
I disagree piggy, but If it can't be Gore, then it should be Obama. If not him, then Hilary will do just fine. Just as long as it isn't McCain, I will be happy.
How about New mexico Gov Richardson? A moderate Democrat that lowered taxes, loves guns, big social programmer, served under Clinton as Energy Secy, and fits the liberal agenda of being a minority?
well, richardson will not work bc he does not have the charisma for the job. but I am betting that he will be picked up as the VP for whomever gets the nod....Barack will get pulverized by his own party because they know his lack of political experience will hurt him against the republican, whether it be mccain or rudy. hillary will give the dems a better chance to take the white house.
lol...not at all yasmeen..total consistent inconsistency has always been a hallmark of pigsteak blathering.
the first was posing a question to dmw about HER opinion of richardson. I already knew the RIGHT answer,so I guess that makes it a loaded question, eh?