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Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 7:11 pm
by Power2U
OK, well I am gonna jump on the band wagon and say that the book is well done, which it is..I am not just saying that; however, I am gonna make one gripe. Is it me or has no one seen the picture on page 39. This is the first full page picture in the book that you come to as you page through it and is a complete waste of space as far as I am concerned. I am not sure if Dave or Ray selected this picture for the guide book but it is of VERY POOR TASTE.
On the positive side the gdide book appears to be put together well...binding and paper quality... and of course I can't say enough about the work that went into the photos and the research in the information... congrats to all to see the fruit of their labor, but that picture does knock such a great project down a tick in my book
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 7:31 pm
by Danny
I suppose it may slightly offend some people. The only thing that occured to me was something like "cool pic. looks like fun".
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 8:39 pm
by tomdarch
I don't have my copy yet, so I have no idea what this photo is. But you do have to remember who the guidebook author is. For example: ... php?id=740
(hmmmm... I think that we need an 'eeeew!' smily)
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 8:41 pm
by eroktix
one pic in a book makes you upset? try swimming to your house. hello, its the rest of us down here on earth. wanna' hang out with us?
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:23 pm
by Wes
Power2U, Is that the one that Mike Shore took of a guy flippin' off the camera while on in the light? If so, that is one of my favorite photos. Fuck a bunch of PC people, that photo captures real spirit and emotion. I think I have photos of just about everyone flipping me off at one point or another.
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:40 pm
by ynot
I have no objections to that picture. He's on lead, hanging and hasn't even clipped yet and rubbing it in our faces. Pretty wild. If he was just another poser it wouldn't have worked.
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 1:03 pm
by Christian
Power2U wrote: Is it me or has no one seen the picture on page 39. This is the first full page picture in the book that you come to as you page through it and is a complete waste of space as far as I am concerned. I am not sure if Dave or Ray selected this picture for the guide book but it is of VERY POOR TASTE.
I really have mixed feelings about that shot. It is like holding two completely opposite/negating thoughts at one time. I think it is in poor taste and I feel aversion towards it but at the same time There is a certain "rebel without a pause fuck fear" part that I can connect with.
It is I guess being comfortable with my shadow side kind of thing.
Fuck, I don't know what were we talking about.
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 2:16 pm
by Jeff
I finaly got a chance to read thru the entire guide.
OK, I haven't read every single route description, but the ones I did read are great, as are the maps, and of course pictures.
What I really like and appreciate is the way I felt after putting it down.
It made me feel proud to be a part of climbing in the RRG, and gave me a feeling of "community", something that is often lost on the board.
Kudos and much appreciation for putting together a work of art, for the feeling of pride in the community, and for spelling out some of the "rules" in a straight forward, respectful, and well written way!
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 6:36 pm
by Power2U
eroktix wrote:one pic in a book makes you upset? try swimming to your house. hello, its the rest of us down here on earth. wanna' hang out with us?
Hey.. I am not upset
I just think the picture is of poor taste and am voicing my opinion. It's not like I am gonna burn the thing.. I helped with som eof the info. and pictures. All I am saying is that the picture of Orange Juice is a stunning photo..pleasing to look at... much more so than someone hanging form a jug by one hand on lead and flipping me off..oh real tough...scarry.. and hard to do Oh MY
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 6:59 pm
by Andrew
It would be alot cooler if the guy was on a crimp on a 5.14, and not on the biggest hold on a 10.