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Posted: Wed May 07, 2003 3:49 pm
by Spragwa
My friends have gained such a renewed love and confidence in their climbing that I have nothing but wonderful things to say about the course. I'm just sorry that I missed it. If Arno comes back to this area for a 2-day class, I definitely want in REGARDLESS of how I have to rearrange my schedule to do it.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2003 3:55 pm
by Gretchen
DERBYFEST!!! ARNO WILL BE BACK :D :D Let me know and I will sign you up for it!

Posted: Wed May 07, 2003 3:58 pm
by Spragwa
Woohoo! Sign me up baby!

Posted: Wed May 07, 2003 4:00 pm
by Guest
I guess we'll be seeing a pic of Kato in Michelle's tank top next!

Gretchen, PM me details including the times/cost. If it's the full 2 days, I probably can't do it.

Arno - if I miss you this time, I know I will be in your course at some point!

Posted: Wed May 07, 2003 4:00 pm
by StephyG
:D Welcome to the board Arno!!!
- Stephanie

Posted: Wed May 07, 2003 5:02 pm
by Artsay
Al-RIGHT! Our little angel on a rope has returned!

Posted: Wed May 07, 2003 5:31 pm
by kato
I'm not sure if you read the entire thread, but I made sure to mention that my questions were not aimed at you specifically or the material you teach. If the others here say they benfitted from the class, I do not dispute that at all. Neither do I have an issue with paying for the class, as I said, it sounds to me like a fun and fulfilling way to make a living.

My question was (and still is) this: it seems peculiar that people are very willing to take very personal needs to a relative stranger rather than people they know very intimately. I was intrigued by Gretchen's response to this, that she is "too close" to her partner. Please consider also, I am not belittling your experience, rather I am taking note of the great experience of many partners of the people on the board.

It really sounds like your class was helpful, maybe I will sign up myself. The girls even said you are kind of cute! :wink:


Posted: Wed May 07, 2003 5:40 pm
by Artsay
I think he addressed that here:
Kato is holding onto a belief that paying someone who has studied something, as I have with mental training, is throwing money away. Would you rely on your friends to teach you about Calculus or Physics instead of going to college?

Posted: Wed May 07, 2003 5:48 pm
by kato
That's a shaky analogy. First, no one's getting a degree in rock climbing (believe me, I'd be the first in line). Second, I would and have gone to friends to teach me about calculus and physics. Yes, some of these had credentials in these subjects, but credentials don't really exist for rock climbing in such a formal way. But you still are hitting on my point, and I'll use Ray as an example again, if he doesn't mind- if they handed out PhD's for rock climbing, I'm sure he'd have one.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2003 6:14 pm
by Artsay
And Ray is patient, a great teacher, and climbs using many of the Warrior’s Way fundamentals… naturally. Yet, he wasn’t able to show me these tools he uses in a way I could understand to fulfill my individual climbing goals. Why? I don’t think it’s because Ray necessarily did anything wrong in any way nor is he lacking mental strength because he couldn’t take away my anxiety. He just hasn’t spent years verbalizing what he does naturally. Arno has and what he teaches obviously is working for many people or else he wouldn’t still be in business.

You don’t think I questioned it?!? I’ve been climbing nine years now and signed up to pay someone $200 to basically teach me how to climb! There were several times I doubted myself for taking it … but then I looked at others I admire and focused on how it helped them and kept that focus. There were many times I came really close to bailing.

I think it’s because degrees *aren’t* handed out for climbing why you’re questioning someone taking a course like this. Sure, I could’ve accepted my climbing abilities and spent the rest of my life having fun at my level/limit. But I want to advance to my full potential and for that I needed assistance getting through some personal obstacles. I’m just thankful for Arno for his investment to help climbers achieve their goals and for making that resource available.