512OW wrote:my original point was that I see tons of people using the "soft catch" buzzword these days, and I think its become an excuse. Its not quite as big a deal as lots of people make it out to be, and a "hard catch" often isn't the belayers fault.
512OW wrote:my original point was that I see tons of people using the "soft catch" buzzword these days, and I think its become an excuse. Its not quite as big a deal as lots of people make it out to be, and a "hard catch" often isn't the belayers fault.
Excuse for what?
For not sending, for not going for it, for not climbing at all, for not commiting, for whatever.
Its the human way to put blame elsewhere.
"Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken."
-Tyler Durden
It's not a matter of blame. It's a matter of fear, especially if you've experienced injuries (for me, broken/sprained ankle and whiplash). It's an inhibition to overcome.