a few Questions for the RRGCC

Access, Rehab Projects, Derbyfests and more...

Post by Guest »

Gretchen wrote:TK, regarding the AF:

I am not an authority on their current bolting policy.

But I do know what the AF has done for the Red River Gorge:

They gave us a $10,000 grant to cut the two trails that lead to Left Flank & Military Wall. This project alone was a very successful impact on the relationship with the DBNF and the Stanton Ranger District.

We are currently in the process of obtaining a Grant from the AF that will be applied towards the purchase of the Murray Property. The exactly dollar amount is yet to be determined but we are hoping for at least $20,000 from the Grant.

The AF and their staff are always willing to share their experience & information with us as needed and have been a cooperative support of the RRGCC's efforts over the years.

I hope that answers some of your questions.

THANK YOU too all of you that have given the RRGCC so much support, it really means a lot to a bunch of dedicated volunteers!

Board Member

hence TK, don't you know which side your bread is buttered on?!!!!

They gave us money=they can do no wrong.

Don't concern yourself with their ethics(even if you find them deplorable). Don't even question them, they might take their money back.

SHHHHH!!! be quiet there's no one here but us mice.......maybe if we don't say anything he'll go away.

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Post by andy_lemon »

Shannon wrote:First, I want to thank everyone who provided information to J.H. questions while “people in the know” have been busy. The RRGCC is an all-volunteer organization, which means we volunteer our time after hours, while we are at home, while we are at work, on the weekend, etc., and there are no regular business hours. As Gretchen posted, the board of directors, other dedicated volunteers, and myself have been putting in full days lately and do not always have extra time to read and post, in addition to everything we are doing, to this forum.

Although we would love to be able to provide an “on demand” way to answer questions for everyone, we have prioritized the Coalition’s highest goal to focus on securing the opportunity to climb, first. For example, exhaustive meetings with the FS, doing extensive legal and scientific research, pursuing and securing the best legal rights for climbers to climb on private and state owned land, etc., much of what we are doing is termed “advocacy.” In other words, we are spending our limited time where it will do the most, long-term good regarding securing all of our climbing opportunities, first. The opportunity to climb is not secure and that is what we focused on before we lose our ability to climbing. We have not have the luxury of extra time to also provide all the information that could be made available. However, all RRGCC executive members and volunteers are dedicated to being as open, candid, forthright and informative as they possibly we can be given our limited time and resources. We are growing and are committed to continually expanding our services, including information and outreach. Recently, the first of what we plan will be a series of “RRGCC Fact Sheets” have been drafted and are in the final stages of editing before being widely distributed to the public.

That said…
“What is the land going to be used for?” Recreation. The “rules of use,” who, what, how, etc., will be set by the board of directors who are the policy makers for the organization, with recommendations from the executive director, then executed by the executive director and staff. The RRGCC also has the unique distinction of having an elected representative body, the Climbing Advisory Council, that the board of directors asks for, through the executive director, recommended guidelines for climber related activities i.e., Guidelines for New Route Development, which have already been written and are available from any CAC member or the RRGCC. The CAC are representatives of the larger climbing community and are charged with representing climber’s interests as a way to address and resolve climber concerns. The CAC’s recommendations are sent to the board for their approval as the formal policy makers for the organization and give to the executive director to execute.

So, the correct answer is, whatever the board of directors decide with input from the CAC. So far, the board and myself are proceeding on everyone’s first choice of making the Murray property as open as possible. However, certain restrictions, such as no hunting, tree cutting, etc., will undoubtedly be imposed. No final determination regarding what activities will be allowed has been made at this time, but openness is the goal, with reasonable restrictions based upon responsible action.

No, you do not have to pay to join. You can make in-kind donations of volunteer time. If you want to join by volunteering please be sure you let us know so we can “credit” you and make you a member.

The answer to camping is similar to the answer regarding, “What is the land going to be used for?” The “rules of use,” will be set by the board of directors who are the policy makers for the organization, at the recommendation of the executive director, with input from the CAC, executed by the executive director and staff. No final determination has been made at this time, but openness is the goal with reasonable restrictions based upon responsible action.

No, the RRGCC will not follow the same rules/restriction as the FS. The rules the FS imposes are based upon federal laws, Endangered Species Act, National Historic Preservation Act, the National Environmental Act, and several others that do not apply to private land. The RRGCC will be free to set reasonable rules for camping as any private landowner would.

Please note, the RRGCC does not officially own the land, yet. All climbers are guest of the Murray family. The RRGCC cannot and does not make any official claim to be able to set rules for the Murray property until the RRGCC actually owns the land.

Thank you for answering my question Shannon. You have been more than helpful and very forward with this topic.

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Post by Jeff »

J.H. wrote:
hence TK, don't you know which side your bread is buttered on?!!!!

They gave us money=they can do no wrong.

Don't concern yourself with their ethics(even if you find them deplorable). Don't even question them, they might take their money back.

SHHHHH!!! be quiet there's no one here but us mice.......maybe if we don't say anything he'll go away.


Post by 0aj0 »

after reading 7 pages of bickering, i can't believe how insane some of you are. JH wrote legitimate questions. demanding 21 questions to be answered is not helpful and it makes the poster look like an ass (at least to me). This should not be attacks on character, just because one doesn't like someone else and doen't agree with said person doesn't give them the right to make personal attacks. JH's question seem somewhat paranoid but prove the possibility for misuse of the land. cut him some slack. thank you to those that honestly tried to answer his questions.
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Post by TrueNorth »

OajO. To get a full feel for this situation, you need to read some of the other threads. JH is intelligent, however has a tendency to scorch everything around him with an overbearing aggressive personality. He has lost jobs over it, lost friends over it and is now being shunned by some of his climbing partners. He has insulted one of the local guides in the area and owes several apologies to friends and associates. None of this has anything to do with the RRGCC. And I’m not hanging out dirty laundry; JH knows this and is struggling with how to handle it.

Now honestly, JH has always cut me some slack. I don’t know why, but he has. Maybe it’s because he realizes I truly have his best interest in mind. And honestly down deep I like the young man. I don’t condone his actions, and I am genuinely concerned about those he hurts. But I am also concerned about him, and he knows this. At this point I would not share a rope with this individual, but I do pray for the day that I would.

JH would be better off, if he would answers these 21 questions. As would everyone else, who climbs in the RRG. The questions were based on issues that directly impact climbing and access. The answers to each of these questions are available without going through the RRGCC, yet once the answers are found, you will have a much better insight as to why the RRGCC and/or another political groups are important to the climbing community.

So my friend, my sincere apologizes for my first impression. Everything is not exactly as it seems, but isn’t that what makes life interesting?
Last edited by TrueNorth on Wed Oct 01, 2003 3:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by vic »

Yeah, just as I thought:
1. The questions were asked, but were they legitimate questions or questions with another intent?
2. The questions have all been clearly answered by people who have taken their time to answer them.
The outcome I ask?
Is the outcome fair?
Have the answers been aknowledged?
! Enough with all that detestation ALREADY !
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Post by TrueNorth »

Now I'm confused Vic, my questions for JH. or JH's questions to the RRGCC?
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Post by vic »

1. JH's questions were asked to RRGCC...
2. RRGCC answered JH...

Those are the questions that I was making reference to.
And yes, as a courtesy, I would really like to see JR's answers to your (True North) questions.
! Enough with all that detestation ALREADY !
Smile & be thankful for what you have.
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Post by ray »

..and also!
Do we, the ones who ask the questions necessarily?
Are pertaining to the current questions in order OF?

I think we need. Unduly propositons under here? Think of the questions.
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Post by vic »

ray: I am so sorry, but I do not understand what you meant.
1. It's probably late.
2. Enzo ate my reading glasses last week so I can't see straight.
3. I am French.
4. I still do not understand.
I mean no harm, I seriously do not 'get it'. Let me know if I was supposed to laugh, because I love to smile and laugh. :wink:
! Enough with all that detestation ALREADY !
Smile & be thankful for what you have.
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