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Post by Wes »

I think this is one of the big problems with Christians: ... index.html

Until the overwhelming majority of you all start calling out people like this, and like the racist, homophobic, way right wing, nutcase preachers, you will continue to loss respect and church members.
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Post by RRO »

douchebags like that dude are douchebags regardless of their god, gods or lack of god. hes just a damn idiot.

fanatic dumbass people of every group always tend to get the medias attention even though much good is being done by the majority of said group.

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Clevis Hitch
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Post by Clevis Hitch »

What you guys are misinterpreting about what he said and whats being reported. Please understand that you didn't get the whole conversation you just got the sound bite that was the most shocking(and it is).
The thing about the fundamentalist Christians is that they believe that EVERYTHING has spiritual connotations. EVERYTHING happens for a reason. If bad things happen to good people then they are just going through a "trial". If bad things happen to bad people (non-believers). Then its because they are reaping Gods punishment.
I've heard about the deal that the leaders of Haiti made when that nation was seeking independance. I am more inclined to believe that the deal made with the devil can have real life repercusions. think about it. Lets just pretend that there is no god and there is no devil. The thought processes that would lead you to break so far away from conventional values and make a deal with the dark side. That type of thinking has to manifest itself in other ways.
Anyway, I am not going to discuss this or defend this position. I just want to point out that the knee jerk reactions that you guys are having is because you are buying into this sensationalized pop culture of hating and belittling Christian values. Think about it. :?
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Post by Wes »

So, this GOD person waits 200+ years to smite down people that had nothing to do with the reason he is smiting them down? That is even if you believe the deal with the devil thing (no real evidence of that to begin with) besides, he doesn't know enough about history to even name the correct leader of France at the time. And, it isn't just a sound bite, you can watch/read transcripts of the whole thing. Plus, not the first fucked up statement from him about real world tragedies. The ass owns interests in diamond mines - he is out for nothing but money. And he needs to be called out on it by members of his own faith, since everyone else pretty much agrees he is scum.

You absolutely do not need any form of religion to be a good person, and having religion doesn't mean you are not a really bad person.
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Post by Clevis Hitch »

Let me try one more time. If you are not a believer. If you don't subscribe to someones way of thinking, how can you judge what they believe?
I grew up in church. Some of the things he says I believe to be true. Some of them I don't. I'm not defending what he said.
What I am saying is that being a Christian is very belittled, on this board and other places as well. We wouldn't be having this conversation if the title of the thread was, Buddists' or Hindis' or God forbid Muslims'. So of the most hateful things that have ever been said or perpetrated have originated with Islam. No one speaks out against that! I read a once that there were 19 armed conflicts in the world and 17 of the 19 were involving muslim aggression, No one speaks out against that!
You guys just think its cool to hate on Christians. You bite into this bait put out by media organizations. You're a sucker for getting your panties in a wad over what amounts to someone elses belief system. :roll:
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Post by Wes »

Oh, I pretty much have equal opportunity disrespect for them all, except maybe the Buddha stuff, though more as a philosophy then an actual religion.

I can totally judge that what they believe is fucked up. If this god person will reach out from 200+ years ago to kill hundreds, if not thousands of people (including a number of Christians, btw) that are totally innocent, then he isn't worthy of anyone's praise or respect. Of course, blaming the victim is a pretty fun sport for that type of person. This man is a fraud and I only wish there was a hell for him to burn in, but alas, it isn't so.

There would be no problem, if they just kept those belief systems to themselves, rather then trying to impose their messed up world view on others (gay marriage, for instance).
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Clevis Hitch
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Post by Clevis Hitch »

So I think that people who claim buddha crap are misled. So I guess I'm judging your belief system. But you dont see me or anyone else going out and attacking that belief system/value system. Theres not a thread eight pages long dedicated to belittling what quite a few people have claimed as their belief/value system.
Pat robertson has a t.v. channel. You have to tune it in to listen to it. He's not going on climbing websites espousing his belief/value system. But my hypocritical friend you are scouring the internet to come up with hate so that you can display it as evidence backing up your belief system. I would bet money that you didn't find that article gouging Pat Roberston by yourself. It was spoon fed to you by some media organisation. You are starting to sound "clonish". So I reitterate, one more time. You wouldn't be doing this if you didn't think it was"cool".
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Post by Shamis »

If there is a god, he clearly isn't a nice person and does not deserve our praise. He's also a terrible writer.
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Post by Winterstorm »

It was spoon fed to you by some media organisation. You are starting to sound "clonish". So I reitterate, one more time. You wouldn't be doing this if you didn't think it was"cool".
Swiiiiing and a miss...........Wes didn't belittle being a Christian, his comment was directed at a single moron who uses the Christian religion as a tool to instill fear of retribution from a higher being for his own gain. (as in a good Christian and send me money and you're path to Heaven is assured) to my mind he (Robertson) is the same as any Muslim fanatic , or rascist that uses terror and violence to try and rule peoples actions and or thoughts.
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Post by caribe »

I am awe-struck by PR's stupidity. It is weird that in 2010 people would believe in the muslim/ jewish/ christian god of mischief. To believe that the devil is playing with plate tectonics in the ring of fire to shake up Haiti due to a deal made a few hundred years ago is priceless stupidity.
There is a great series on the History Channel on how the earth formed and how tectonics produce earthquakes on the ring of fire. ... g-episodes
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