perfect push up
Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 11:42 pm
I recently got a set of the perfect push up things. They really do work well! Definitely recommend them. I couldn't believe I bought them though.
The old Forums
Brentucky wrote: anybody own GIANT RUBBER BALLS or have recommendations???
i built a weightroom out of our guest room and got one so the wife could use it - casue theyre for ladies - anyway - i use it a lot for ab workouts and it burns big time. not a gimmick toy at all.Brentucky wrote:i was looking around a store the other day and sort of wanted to get one of those giant rubber balls... i just wasn't sure what the hell i would do with it! my thought was it would help make a person maintain balance while doing push-ups, sit-ups, etc. which in my mind would help strengthen the core better than regular push-ups, sit-ups, etc.
anybody own GIANT RUBBER BALLS or have recommendations???
certainly was lots of fun as a swim-toy on the mayflowerCrankmas wrote:I think the euro's developed the exercise ball for rehabilitation some time ago- I think it was the real reason the Pilgrams left to come to the new big rubber ball free world
yeah, quit acting like a chick
dude, don't ever start acting like my girlfriend. That would just be weird. I'll let you borrow her cloths sometime though.Brentucky wrote:just so long as i act like a chick who can climb harder than you
they're all about an hour -- including warm up and cool down -- which is nice, because on my own i never really bother with the warm up and cool down phases... (oops)... the yoga video is 90 minutes (and ass kicking) and there is an extra 15 min ab workout you tag onto the end of several of the hour long ones -- all and all, it is fun and i think it will actually be applicable to climbing -- lots of core strengthening and some muscle development -- i'll let you know. i know i won't look like an infomercial in 90 days, but it is fun -- and i needed a change.Pete, how long do the sessions take in your video?